12 button module, the black box with white letters should be editable to be useful. | Razer Insider
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this box should be editable, we could click on it and then write “start recording using nvidia shadow play”.  I mean that those black boxes that appear when hovering the mouse over a button on the 12 button module should be editable so users can remember what the keyboard function or macro does when using that button, because users have more than 20 buttons and its difficult to remember what the button does. As you see on button 2 on the 12 button module i’ve written “read read a loud” to remember what it does because i can name the macro, but i cannot name a keyboard function, so keyboard function are difficult to remember what it does. 

What do you think? must this black box be editable to remember what keyboard functions do?

how do you remember what the keyboard function do?

how do you remember what the keyboard do when you have more than 1 profile using 24 buttons?

i just asking that this black box with white letters could be editable, because if i assign alt f9 to that button 12 the box also says alt + f9, and there is no form to change it, it would be better if we could change the black box with letters to "whatever i want to write there that remember me why i assigned alt +f9 to that button 12

