Hi, I believe that this might have been requested a few times… but probably not to the extent of a full explanation of how to implement the feature.
I believe that for the sake of ease of use and customer satisfaction that when the eFN] or Hypershift key is held it will change to a defined chroma profile.
The way in which this could be implemented is once the profile has been created the user can simply go into the profiles tab and select a Standard profile and Hypershift Profile for each game they wish tto use it for. The Hypershift profile will already be linked to the game by default as it already is, but the user would be able to select the “Chroma Studio” option in the list and then under the “Linked Games” section would be the option of choosing the “Hypershift Lighting Profile” as a dropdown list from the existing profiles. The default would be the same as the “Chroma Effect” selected. Once the user chooses a different option from the dropdown list it will force the “Hypershift Chroma Effect” to be disabled showing that the “Chroma Effect” is in use as a “Hypershift” Effect, this would stop confusion for those who would try to accidentally use the profile in an incorrect way. Other “Chroma Effects” would still be able to choose it as a “Hypershift” profile as once it has been disabled the dropdown list would then bring the already used “Chroma Effect” for “Hypershift” as a suggestion since it knows that this is what it can be used for.
Another way of letting Synapse know that the “Chroma Effect” is for “Hypershift” would be by adding the option to force the effect only to be an option as a “Hypershift” Lighting Profile in the studio and/or “Chroma Effect” pages. This would also allow the Dropdown list to be able to suggest the “Chroma Effect” as a suggestion before it is used by another Profile.
The user would still be allowed to use the options to “Rename, Duplicate, Export, Delete” on the disabled “Chroma Effects” in the list so that if the user would like to make slight alterations for different Games without having to recreate the “Chroma Effect” they can still do so.
Please consider this suggestion.