I found these paths for now:
ProgramData/Razer/Synapse/Logs (probably Synapse 2, but still annoying since I'm using both)
I did not find an option to disable logging, and would love to, since it's a CONSTANT write operation on my C drive that I do not want happening.
Apart from the constant writing, the issue is that these folders just keep growing. Older logs are not auto-deleted, they just keep piling up. I just reinstalled Windows about a week ago and we are already at about 250MB of logs file alone, insanity.
I would rather avoid having to fiddle with folder permissions/security/ownership to stop these logs.
Please just give an option in the general settings to disable this feature.
%ProgramData%\Razer\Razer Central\Logs
Hundreds of MB of log files and no option to disable logging?
This batch will stop/start the app + services.
@echo off
set "RSFullPath=%programfiles(x86)%\Razer\Synapse3\WPFUI\Framework\Razer Synapse 3 Host\Razer Synapse 3.exe"
sc query "Razer Synapse Service" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && goto stoprs
echo Starting Razer Synapse
net start "Razer Synapse Service" >nul && start "" "%RSFullPath%"
if %errorlevel% gtr 0 sc query "Razer Synapse Service" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && start "" "%RSFullPath%"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul else pause
echo Stopping Razer Synapse
taskkill /f /im "Razer Synapse 3.exe" /t >nul 2>&1
taskkill /f /im "Razer Central.exe" /t >nul 2>&1
sc query "RzActionSvc" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && net stop "RzActionSvc" /yes >nul
sc query "Razer Game Manager Service" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && net stop "Razer Game Manager Service" >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul else pause
Thank you for this taskkill batch script.
I can monitor through the utility called “Voidtools Everything” when sorting files by Date Modified, found that Razer Synapse is updating a log every second!
%ProgramData%\Razer\Razer Central\Logs
Hundreds of MB of log files and no option to disable logging?
This batch will stop/start the app + services.
@echo off
set "RSFullPath=%programfiles(x86)%\Razer\Synapse3\WPFUI\Framework\Razer Synapse 3 Host\Razer Synapse 3.exe"
sc query "Razer Synapse Service" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && goto stoprs
echo Starting Razer Synapse
net start "Razer Synapse Service" >nul && start "" "%RSFullPath%"
if %errorlevel% gtr 0 sc query "Razer Synapse Service" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && start "" "%RSFullPath%"
if %errorlevel% equ 0 timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul else pause
echo Stopping Razer Synapse
taskkill /f /im "Razer Synapse 3.exe" /t >nul 2>&1
taskkill /f /im "Razer Central.exe" /t >nul 2>&1
sc query "RzActionSvc" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && net stop "RzActionSvc" /yes >nul
sc query "Razer Game Manager Service" | findstr /irc:""0-9] *RUNNING">nul && net stop "Razer Game Manager Service" >nul
if %errorlevel% equ 0 timeout /t 3 /nobreak>nul else pause
It is common to find applications that constantly write unnecessary data to log files, Synapse3 is certainly one of them.
I'm going to list files and folders that regularly generate an excessive amount of logs.
\\Razer\\Razer Central\\Logs\\*
The list is long and I have spared no efforts to resolve the issue. But I wish it was possible to receive cleaner Synapse3 without too many Logs.
OBS: be careful if you don't trust the writing of some logs, synapse3 may fail at startup
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