Anyone know what the actual ".5" value in the undervolt section represents?
Razer says the values are in volts, which would mean a max offset with the app would be -0.5 volts which can't be accurate, right.
Well, I just ran the below Cinebench tests with the following results.
-Baseline: 27,047
-Synapse 0.5 offset: 27,295 + BSOD 30 seconds after test completion
-Synapse 0 offset/ThrottleStop .126 offset: 29,455
-Synapse .01 offset/ThrottleStop .126 offset: 29,701
-Synapse .01 offset/ThrottleStop .1328 offset: 30,205 (unstable)
Here's the confusing thing, their supposed 0.5v offset barely made a difference, which would lead me to believe it's actually a .05v offset. However, while doing the Cinebench test the voltage never went above 1.0, (monitored in ThrottleStop) which would lead me to believe it actually IS taking half a volt away. Something else that makes me think it's really undervolting by 0.5 is that I got a BSOD 30 seconds after the test finished.
So there are some things (the small Cinebench improvement) making me believe this isn't a 0.5v undervolt and other things (the BSOD and monitored voltage) making me believe it IS a 0.5v undervolt.
But if it actually IS a 0.5v undervolt why was the Cinebench improvement so little? I've undervolted to .1328 and got 30,205 (unstable), so theoretically a 0.5 should have launched the computer into the stratosphere, no?
I'n going to leave Synapse at 0 and just use ThrottleStop but I'm just curious what should be made of these results and Razer's voltage values in Synapse. Anyone?