Blade 17 2022 4k 144hz external monitor | Razer Insider
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Hi there,

I have the Blade 17 2022 model. Trying to connect to 4k 144hz external monitor. But I cannot set the refresh rate to 144hz, but only to 60hz. Seems like this is a common problem. In one of the previous post: the answer said they are working on solve this problem. Is there any update? I am still having this problem. This is really disappointing, especially when Razer is trying to set up a high-end brand image

Btw, I am using HDMI port. Blade 17 2022 should have hdmi 2.1 port. The monitor works fine with tb4 port. But in the nvidia panel, it shows I cannot change it to dGPU

Also I can only turn on the external monitor  by itself, extend monitor( laptop and external) doesn’t work 
