Razer Book 13 - A fatal hardware error has occurred. | Razer Insider
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Hello All!

I've bought new Razer Book 13 few days ago.

It accidentally stops with black screen and reboots regularly.

I've got all updates from Windows Update, updated keyboard firmware from Synapse.

Installed latest version of Intel Iris Xe, Wi-Fi and BT drivers from Intel Driver and Support Assistant.

WIndows 11 updated.

Unfortunately, no memory dump can be found, although memory dump saving is turned on.

I've changed original ssd with Samung 980 Pro 1 Gb SSD. But problem is still here.

Any ideas?

Thanks in advance.

In Event Viewer appears WHEA-Logger Event 1

"A fatal hardware error has occurred. A record describing the condition is contained in the data section of this event".

- System


[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-WHEA-Logger

[ Guid] {c26c4f3c-3f66-4e99-8f8a-39405cfed220}

EventID 1

Version 0

Level 2

Task 0

Opcode 0

Keywords 0x8000000000000002

- TimeCreated

[ SystemTime] 2021-11-04T23:50:51.2647057Z

EventRecordID 3139

- Correlation

[ ActivityID] {3205ba7f-e609-4f86-9994-6107ec4795b0}

- Execution

[ ProcessID] 4100

[ ThreadID] 4852

Channel System


- Security

[ UserID] S-1-5-19

- EventData


RawData ....
I'd try with windows clean install first.

This is the 1st thing that I'm always make, after buying new laptop.

Or you can just check if there is a bios update - it can also help with some laptop problems.
Hi All!

Razer's technical support seems to be in no way living up to customer expectations.

At least in the case of the Razer Book 13.

I contacted support directly with the problem mentioned at the beginning.

After clarifying the formalities, I was (not surprising!) offered

execute the commands "Dism / Online / Cleanup-Image / RestoreHealth" and "sfc / scannow".

I have studied before many forums with a similar problem and done these commands before

many times. Just like I tried clean install.

Later I found that my laptop got very hot, up to 100 degrees.

I also wrote about this in support.

I was told that I should:

1. Clean off any dust or debris lodged in the fans or the radiator with compressed air.

2. Remove anything that could be impeding contact such as the plastic covering that came with the cooler.

3. Reapply thermal paste if necessary.

I wrote in first message to support that I bought my NEW Razer Book 13 3 (three!) days before.

And now they offer me these. No comments.

Now about what I discovered on my own.

I found that then cpu temp increases up to 100, cpu frequency is about 4200-4300 Mhz.

(All power setting were set to balanced).

Getting WHEA-Logger messages about falat error with cache hierarchy error within cpu I found on forums that it can be related with overclocking or overheating.

I went to BIOS settings and turned off the hyper-threading and turbo boost.

It looks stupid, but it works. Yes, I have 4 threads with 2.8 Ghz max CPU instead of 8 threads at more that 4 Ghz.

But I have laptop working.

I'll try to turn on hyper-threading first then test. And turbo boost later trying to understand the origin of problem.

I suppose that Razer uncorrectly works with cpu boosting.

Although does it seem to you that this is insanity to pay a lot of money to do razer's engineers work.

It will be my first and last Razer laptop.