Putting over 100tdp gpu especially 2080 that’s over 150watt plus other components like cpu etc will melt the Blade, and 230 watt ac adapter won’t supply it well. It’ll probably eat battery capacity, discharge it and will shut down on gaming even plugged on the wall. This is mobile rtx gpu and desktop version comparison. I believe non MQ/ maxq, would need really big ac adapter especially on 2080, it’ll against Blade 15 portability purpose. But on Pro 17 model if there’s any refresh, it may be possible to put full 2080 (mobile).
That is why Razer needs to refresh their blade pro line up. It can somewhat compete with the M17. But this is better in terms old skool normal but modern looking. Blade 15 for power and portability and 17 pro for more performance that doesnt break your back and caters toward enthusiast
I have saved up a very long time for a new laptop. So yeah I can, what makes you think I can't?
I was close to buying last year's Razer Blade 15 but decided to hold off for this one. Thankfully, the price stayed the same. I just wished that the Gunmetal Blade 15 came out, I wouldn't mind paying an extra $50 for it like the Mercury since it would look more professional.
Because you seems poor like me. I dont consider myself poor though. By the way, I agree with you. Gaming laptop these days looks uglier although they have improve the looks alot, nothing beats Razer. I admit it eventhough I dislike the brand. Just make it superior built quality plain looking and slot in RGB. SO SIMPLE, why cant other manufacturers go for that approach so at least we have competition and not resorts on Razer QC. Love Razer because their laptop looks professional and business like.
Im goona buy Razer laptop this YEAR !
Can you afford it ? Kidney does not grow on trees
Same boat as RazerRanix, really curious people's thoughts/impressions of the 4k 15" display as I'm thinking of getting the Advanced 2070 configuration. I'm coming from a MacBookPro with retina, 2880 x 1800, which while not 4k is definitely higher rez than the 1080p, and I feel like going backwards is going to be noticeable, possibly annoying and eye straining. I really don't need the 4k, I'd be happy with something in between, but if those are the options, will most likely opt for 4k. Not much of a gamer but would primarily be using it for 3D design/animation and rendering. Thanks and appreciate any help.
Also, heard the battery life on the 4k is abysmal. Anybody have experience? Thanks again
Get the blade Stealth then
It's finally here!!! Please release a Gunmetal Grey color option or an option for tone-on-tone logo! Either way, I can finally get an upgrade from my six year old ROG laptop!
Hear hear!
I'm no fan of the green light-up logo either - I second this appeal! Make it happen and I'll hand over my money!
WOW, thats jus an amazing pc. How mutch is it?
It will cost the same as your kidney or maybe slightly cheaper. Also, without the obnoxious green snakes, it will looks like a business laptop but instead made for gaming. WOW
Dammit, I cannot find how much it will be here in Italy. I'm willing to buy one with the RTX 2070 Max-Q... I just hope it won't cost more than 2500 though I saw that in the UK store it costs 3k:frown_:, probably will have to sell a kidney.😂 Anyway I can't wait to get my hands on one of these and finally get into gaming, 'cuz boy it's hard to play anything on a 920M😂
Dammit, I cannot find how much it will be here in Italy. I'm willing to buy one with the RTX 2070 Max-Q... I just hope it won't cost more than 2500 though I saw that in the UK store it costs 3k:frown_:, probably will have to sell a kidney.😂 Anyway I can't wait to get my hands on one of these and finally get into gaming, 'cuz boy it's hard to play anything on a 920M😂
What do you expect from Razer ? You are paying for the looks and brand. If other competitor able to make their machine to look like business laptop with superior built quality and hardware features, Razer will be force to drop their price. Kidney is better than gaming. Gaming is just not worth it and dont let it take over your life ! Or just get a new hobby rather than playing games. This hobby is too expensive
What do you expect from Razer ? You are paying for the looks and brand. If other competitor able to make their machine to look like business laptop with superior built quality and hardware features, Razer will be force to drop their price. Kidney is better than gaming. Gaming is just not worth it and dont let it take over your life ! Or just get a new hobby rather than playing games. This hobby is too expensive
Hahaha chill dude I was just kidding I'm not willing to sell any part of my body and I'm not "OMG I NEED IT RIGHT NOW!!", I'll be buying a new laptop when my savings will allow me and I like the laptop. At the moment I like this "blade with RTX" most from CES. I really need a better laptop since mine is getting old and less perfoming and old😂.
Hahaha chill dude I was just kidding I'm not willing to sell any part of my body and I'm not "OMG I NEED IT RIGHT NOW!!", I'll be buying a new laptop when my savings will allow me and I like the laptop. At the moment I like this "blade with RTX" most from CES. I really need a better laptop since mine is getting old and less perfoming and old😂.
YEAH ! But one day, we will see Nvidia and manufacturer will work on power, portability and battery life altogether. Me too am saving as well but unfortunately am too poor. By your referencing of your kidney is a serious case as multiple cases happens in reality. Look at China and iphone case. Selling kidney to afford an expensive iphone. Some idiot tell that young boy you can survive with one kidney, ended up paralyze.
YEAH ! But one day, we will see Nvidia and manufacturer will work on power, portability and battery life altogether. Me too am saving as well but unfortunately am too poor. By your referencing of your kidney is a serious case as multiple cases happens in reality. Look at China and iphone case. Selling kidney to afford an expensive iphone. Some idiot tell that young boy you can survive with one kidney, ended up paralyze.
Well I'm sad to hear that happened..poor kiddo..I didn't mean ill by referencing that
By your referencing of your kidney is a serious case as multiple cases happens in reality. Look at China and iphone case. Selling kidney to afford an expensive iphone. Some idiot tell that young boy you can survive with one kidney, ended up paralyze.
Still there are things that fall under one's own responsibility - and selling one's kidney really qualifies as that - and just because there are sad cases of poor misguided ppl who were duped into doing such a thing happening does not mean one can not make a joke or a figure of speech - because honestly a lot of really cruel things happen in this world - so if we start to be offended by ppl who are saying something that reminds us or others of these cruelties then we soon may not talk at all - anything you say could be constructed to look like a reference to something awful.
Also - this is a razer forum - you can expect ppl to a) be passionate about the hardware and b) be mature enough not to act on a figure of speech.
Still there are things that fall under one's own responsibility - and selling one's kidney really qualifies as that - and just because there are sad cases of poor misguided ppl who were duped into doing such a thing happening does not mean one can not make a joke or a figure of speech - because honestly a lot of really cruel things happen in this world - so if we start to be offended by ppl who are saying something that reminds us or others of these cruelties then we soon may not talk at all - anything you say could be constructed to look like a reference to something awful.
Also - this is a razer forum - you can expect ppl to a) be passionate about the hardware and b) be mature enough not to act on a figure of speech.
Well like it or not, its the reality and most of the pricing by them are a cost of kidney. You cant deny the facts. Am not offended. Its a fact !
Can you afford it ? Kidney does not grow on trees
well actually i can buy anytime
i just confuse watching some review about the laptop
is it really good
or is it really worth
but i just love em Logo anyway . hahaha
well actually i can buy anytime
i just confuse watching some review about the laptop
is it really good
or is it really worth
but i just love em Logo anyway . hahaha
there aren't actual reviews with benchmarks and other tests sooo you'll have to wait to know if it is worth it or if it is actually good, but based on reviews from the older blade it seems to be a good gaming laptop
Gotta get it!!!
After you convinced yourself to pull the trigger and buy the Blade RTX, do you get the RTX2060, or RTX2070???.
This will be my work (running couple of VM for testing) and some gaming. I have GTX1080 SLI at home for heavy duty gaming.
If the new Stealth was anything to go by, one has to wonder what litany of defects this thing is gonna have when it launches.
Are they going to release it today??
I am in an urgent need for a laptop and gonna order one today. My first pick is R15 followed by MSI G65.
Rtx series of G65 is out but I can’t find the same with R15.
Can someone confirm me the release date of rtx series of R15?
Are they going to release it today??
I am in an urgent need for a laptop and gonna order one today. My first pick is R15 followed by MSI G65.
Rtx series of G65 is out but I can’t find the same with R15.
Can someone confirm me the release date of rtx series of R15?
Technically today is the release date of most of these "RTX laptops" but I haven't seen anything yet..
Technically today is the release date of most of these "RTX laptops" but I haven't seen anything yet..
Thanks for the information

Maybe I will wait till the end of the day
Thanks for the information
Maybe I will wait till the end of the day ;)
Ok I just checked on the razer store(U.S. version) aaand appearently you can buy a Razer Blade 15 with the RTX sooo go grab it:wink_:
Ok I just checked on the razer store(U.S. version) aaand appearently you can buy a Razer Blade 15 with the RTX sooo go grab it:wink_:
But in France only the rtx2070 is for sale, while 2060 and 2080 versions are yet to be released Maybe they will be for sale in a few minutes
But in France only the rtx2070 is for sale, while 2060 and 2080 versions are yet to be released Maybe they will be for sale in a few minutes :)
well.. you're lucky.. the italian store sucks😂, it has no laptops.. I can't even find them, not even the GTX series😂