after a little cable management, I have the final (for now) configuration of my BattleStation:

We have:
- Nari (modded with Brainwavz Yellow Ear Pads)
- Lancehead
- Blackwidow Tournament Edition
- Mousemat RGB Large
- Base Station Chroma
Fully integrated with:
- Philips HUE Play (behind the monitor)
- Nanoleaf Lightpanels (on the wall)
There's also a wonderful LOGITECH UE mini boom, behind the auxiliary small monitor, for the audio (the monitor has no speakers and I don't like big speakers and other cables on my desktop).
The monitor is a really nice "LG 34UC89G 34, 21:9 UltraWide, 2560x1080, 144Hz, nVIDIA G-Sync": it's perfect for my I7 and Geforce 1080Ti, playing all the actual games at the maximum details and steady at 60 fps minimum ( … not even to mention 140 Hz in Quake Champion … absolutely gorgeous).
I have an auxiliary HDMI monitor, with Rainmeter showing all the PC working parameters, and tweets, while gaming.
The light effects of the whole Razer stuff are perfectly harmonized by "Synapse Studio" with the Hue Play and a little less with the Nanoleaf Light Panels.
I have also a Razer Wolverine Ultimate Gamepad, but its chroma it's incredibly not integrated in synapse studio, and controlled only by a dedicated Synapse UWP App (for Xbox and Windows 10).
Thanks for reading.