What would you like to see next from Razer? | Razer Insider
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What would you like to see next from Razer?

As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!
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5974 Replies

  • 0 replies
  • December 30, 2014
Razer has all kind of peripheral devices now, except for monitors. I'd totally buy one. :)

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  • December 30, 2014
a 24" 144HZ monitor with Green backlights. I'd pay big money for that

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  • December 30, 2014
yes i personally would agree for a monitor designed by razer but a partnership with another company to create a razer designed product will also be superb, but another thing i would love to see personally is maybe another PC chassis designed by razer. The Razer NZXT H440 looked really great but im personally more in need of a larger tower. So my recommendation if of course enough people agree with me is it to maybe bring out a razer designed tower for each sizes, a mid tower would already exist but for people who are in need of larger or even smaller towers then this would be great.

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  • December 30, 2014
Nabu for Europe, Razer Blade for Europe, ... Just something that America and Asia already have and Europe doesn't :) And for something really new, like the others already said, a monitor would be really cool :D

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  • December 30, 2014
I still want the Surround PRO but I don't have enough money. Please do another giveaway on New Year. I would appreciate that so much ^_^

Project Christine

  • 0 replies
  • December 30, 2014
Monitors and webcams.

The monitor is an awesome idea. I'm also excited for Project Christine. I was lucky enough to attend Blizzcon and enjoyed being able to stop at the Razer Booth to chat with the people there and talk with them about Christine.

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  • December 30, 2014
An equivalent of Logitech G930. Edit: And yeah... Blade for EU

For actual hardware, I'd like a Razer Naga-style thumb-trackball. Was discussing it in one of the Comms Insider groups, and it might be as simple(?) as taking the Orbweaver, switching the thumb-stick to the right-hand thumb (or make it modular and switchable for ambidexterity), and changing the stick for a trackball. Old habits (from ball-mouse days) die hard ... :p Also, a PS4 version of the Atrox, or a new Atrox that is compatible with (maybe via a physical switch) PC as well as all current consoles. For desk toys, a Razer stress squishy or USB-powered heated coaster might be nice. And while we're at it, still waiting on that toaster of yours, Min ;)

  • 0 replies
  • December 30, 2014
Min-Liang Tan
As we're closing off the year and prepping for the new one, I'd love to hear from the community what new products you'd like to see in 2015. Let me know in the comments below!
144Hz 24-28" 4K 1MS gaming monitor with green blacklight/chroma ambilight and Nvidia G-sync

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  • December 30, 2014
Maybe a revamp on the wireless mice. I keep holding off on buying an Orchi, Mamba, or Ouroboros for my laptop, because I keep waiting for one of them to be replaced or updated, especially with all of the chroma devices out now.

  • 0 replies
  • December 30, 2014
Better distribution in Europe... Seriously, you guys have a lot of fans here, yet almost none products...

  • 2 replies
  • December 30, 2014
HOTAS, with space games making a comeback, Elite and Star Citizen, plus a few more, I would love to add a Razer HOTAS to my collection. Having one designed for space games over flightsim would be great, as there is little consideration to 6DOF on a normal HOTAS, and other things like power and shield management.

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  • December 30, 2014
Now that the Seiren is out, a complementary webcam would be logical and awesome.

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  • December 30, 2014
a Razer Mp3 / DAP player with surround installed would be awesome with the razer logo glowing *drools*

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  • December 30, 2014
It would be awesome if Razer can come out with flight stick (the pro ones)

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  • December 30, 2014
Bring back something similar to the Lycosa! I loved the rubberized keys and overall feel, was sad to see it go. How about a Razer Gaming Chair? It could have speakers in the headrest, a subwoofer in the chair that's linked to controller vibration etc. It could also have a pull out table for mouse/keyboard or something. That could be cool.

I love Razer NZXT chassis but the only problem with it is that you cannot turn off the bottom green led lights, that sometimes causes irritation. I would love to see a new design from razer either their own or partnership with other.

A steering wheel for racing sims.... F1, Iracing, possibly even console gaming .... there is a real lack of quality wheels for less than 1k and that would be an awesome Razer Accessory

  • 1 reply
  • December 30, 2014
1. develop more apps for SBUI 2. a 27" monitor 3. spare parts for all of your peripherals and systems

  • 1 reply
  • December 30, 2014
Better distribution in Europe... Seriously, you guys have a lot of fans here, yet almost none products...
+ 1 on this. Croatia in my case... Shipping to here is pricey but I'm not sure Razer can do something about that. So Official Razer Store somewhere around?! ='D I'd also like to see Razer partnership with GUNNAR Optiks for some killer gaming styles! That PARALEX - Lime is sitting on my nose for far too long without a Razer logo! >_o

1) 27" 1440p G Sync monitor (LIke the ROG swift but Razer!) 2) Project Christine ;) 3) An SLI Blade with no SBUI 4) Razer android phone :p

Would love to see a sexy monitor either one with a crazy high rez or one that's meant for streamers with a small or no bezel (usually using 2 or 3 of them at a time)

  • 0 replies
  • December 30, 2014
Monitors need to have in Both sizes 24 and 28 or above. but i like 28s! Gaming chair would be cool but DX Racing chairs are gonna be hard to beat. -My suggestions- - Razer Radar Detector - that is on par or out performs The Valentine One. - USB 3.0 flash drives/hard drive - not limited in size variants. - Xbox One compatible products. Totally wireless headset please?:rolleyes: - Xbox One Gaming controller similar to Scuff but with your/Razers magic touch. Programmable would be cool too! - A Bad A$$ Razer Router! with real tech support. Maybe even a Docsis 3.0 or what ever is coming next. I know you can get the inside info on that @mltan ;). - Razer Floor Mat to go under your desk chair, you know with the spikey/non spikey things for it not to move on carpet & for you chair to roll smoothly. - Flawless Full Featured Fully Customization Razer capture card w/ life time Xsplit license. - I also like @Jspartan22 Idea as well a Racing wheel would be cool but Pedals as well to go along with it.


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