I am looking for the right people to join the ranks of the Vanguards. The next Vanguards will be more than just Insider mods. I am looking to fill very specific roles on Insider. If you are interested, I want to hear from you.
I am looking for budding
news reporters, streamers, YouTubers, professionals, and squad leaders.
News Reporter
If staying up to date with all the industry news and trends is part of your daily routine, I am asking you to share that knowledge with the community. You will create posts detailing the latest gaming news, share opinions on hot topics while providing excellent links, images and/or videos to go along with your posts.
Content Creators
Do you have a Twitch or YouTube channel that you are growing? Use Insider as your platform to help promote your channel by sharing your content. We can work together to cross promote with all kinds of ideas and opportunities.
I am looking for Insiders who use Razer for their profession outside of gaming. VFX artists, Graphic Designers, Photographers, Video Editors and more. I want you to share your experiences with the community by representing your craft.
Squad Leaders
Love Overwatch? Already level 500 on Apex? Maybe you are more of an MMO person and would love to lead a guild? Insider could use you and I could use Vanguards who organize and lead play sessions with the community. Sound like fun? Apply and tell me why this sounds like the perfect role for you.
Being a Vanguard takes work, but it is a labor of love. If you feel like you can contribute to the community in these ways, apply at the link below.