Hello guys,
I don't really know how to begin so here is the story:
I was searching for some keyboards on the razer store, when i suddenly decided to look up if my mouse is still being sold (just out of curiosity) and only the pink variant of it was still available.. At least in Germany..
I looked up the official website for the Lancehead and found the download section with some firmware updates. I thought "this is nice, maybe my sensor problem is going to be fixed once i update"
(had some problems while in wired mode the liftoff range was ridiculosly high despite the fact of reseting it, but nothing i couldn't live without since i bought it for the wireless mode anyway)
And here start the problems..
Downloaded the update, tryed to install it, dongle firmware update stuck at 100% and mouse update at 5%.
Something like the poor guy over here on youtube:
I've searched all over the internet for a solution but nothing helped.
I've submitted a ticket to the razer support. And all i got was 1st level support:
- Did you reinstalled synapse
- Have you tryed your mouse on another pc to see if it's functioning
- Have you tryed another usb slot
Those are all good advices if a device is not working properly. But we're talking about a failed firmware update, i expected more than "unplug your device during a firmware update and see if it's working on another pc". As a network and system administrator i can say that my device is about to fail 100% if i disconnect it during a frimware update. And the 10$ coupon that i would've got if i subscribed to the newsletter wouldn't have helped either... (that's what i got as a filnal answer from the razer support)
None the less i found a way to bring your Lancehead back to life, if it happens to have the same problem as me.
So hear me out, and do everything step by step.
- Go to the official Razer Support site and donwload the firmware for the normal Razer Lancehead DONGLE. (https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1796/~/razer-lancehead-firmware-updater-%7C-rz01-02120)
- We also need to download the firmware update for the Razer Lancehead Wireless. (https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1634/~/razer-lancehead-wireless-firmware-updater-%7C-rz01-02570)
- Put both in 2 separate folders on your desktop 1.png
- Extract both with your archiving tool of preferance (I'm using WinRar) 2.png
- Now, if your update looked something like this: Dock Firmware.png then ALT+F4 it and go to "Device Manager"
- Unplug and reconnect your usb dongle. The dongle should apear in "Device Manager" as "Razer Bootloader" (should apear with a yellow warning triangle next to it)
- Right click on it and go to "Properties" -> "Driver" -> "Update Driver" -> "Browse my computer for drivers" -> "Browse" and set the path to where you've extracted the update from the first link (Update v1.02.00)
- Click on next and the yellow warning triangle from the "Razer Bootloader" should be gone
- Go back to your 2 folders, copy and replace the "DeviceUpdater.resources" from update v1.02.00 to update v1.02.01_r2 like seen in this image: 3.png
- This step is optional but i recomend it! Close Synapse and any related programs to it. Furthermore, i also unplugged any other razer devices from my pc so they don't interrupt with the update.
- Very important! Start the "LanceheadWirelessFWU.exe" and not the "LanceheadWireless_FirmwareUpdater_v1.02.01_r2"!
- Now your firmware update should look something like this: 4.png (don't ask me why the Firefly is displyed instead of the Lancehead dongle but this is the right firmware update!)
- Finally after all those steps, update your dongle :) (and let it run till it ends!)
Lancehead Mouse:
- Go to the official Razer Support site and donwload the firmware for the normal Razer Lancehead MOUSE. (https://mysupport.razer.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1796/~/razer-lancehead-firmware-updater-%7C-rz01-02120)
- Same step as above
- Same step as above
- Same step as above
- My update looked like this when i tried it for the mouse: Mouse Firmware.png The best way is, unplug your mouse and then ALT+F4 out of the firmware update.
- Plug your mouse back in and see if it works properly (means is also being recognised by razer synapse). For other this was the case, i had to restart the pc, and plug it back in while booting. If not, try step 5-8 from above.
- Follow step 9 to 13 from above!
I had a very dificult week finding out the proper way to bring my lancehead back to life. It costed me a lot of unnecessary time that i would've prefer to game instead of troubleshooting, so please Razer, fix the firmware updates so this doesn't happen to other people.
I really hope my guide also fixes your problem. Maybe it would also work on other "Razer Bootloader" stuck devices.
If you have any questions I'm happy to answer them, as far as i can.
I wish you all the best of luck with fixing your Lanceheads or other devices!