Just to start off...Yes, my default device is Razer Nari - Game. My game/pc audio filters through razer nari game. No, sonic for headphones isn’t selected. Yes, my firmware is v15, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled all razer software, I’ve tried the dongle recovery tool…and the headset has lived past warranty so cannot get proper support. I’m on PC as well.
Onto the issue:
My game balance side of wheel does not increase/decrease in volume when I move it, as of two or so days ago. I can completely fade out the chat side. I bought the headset primarily for the game/chat balance, so it’s kind of been bugging me a little. The volume wheel on the right still works as intended. I’ve had it since 2019, so I would hope it’s nowhere near the end of its life! :) As for any inquiry into my inputs, I do not use the mic that came with the headset, and the issue seems to only stem from the game portion of the audio wheel. My headset’s begun turning off randomly when audio is playing but that’s not as much as an issue as the main one I’ve got. Dongle appears fine, and while it says recovery is required on dongle recovery app I have repeated the tool a good five or so times now and it still says it needs recovery.
tdlr: game audio stays same volume throughout all the turny-wheeling, chat audio works as intended.
If you guys have any idea past “Buy a new headset,” or “cope,” that would be coolio!