Razer raiju TE R thumbstick lagging... | Razer Insider
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Razer raiju TE R thumbstick lagging...

Hello i recently bought the razer raiju te for my ps4. had this issue for the start. i tired to update to 1.3 and dident fix the problem. controller works smooth for like 20 sec and then i get the lagg and it runs smooth 20 sec. saw on the forum that ppl running the beta 1.02 firmware and everything was fine. can some1 supply me with the download for the 1.02 firmware update?
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3 Replies

Its not gonna work, no matter how many firmware updates you do these controllers have a hardware defect that razer refuses to issue a recall for, it must be cheaper for them to have customers keep testing and sending defective units in rather than recalling the whole stock and having to start from scratch. Ive replaced three now and each have had the same issues unique to them (either left stick drifting and moving my character slower in some directions or right stick being incredibly inaccurate in fps games due to lag and drift) remain or only get marginally better after each firmware update. If you use https://html5gamepad.com/ you can see that if you push the sticks (up, down left, right) one or both of your sticks will register less than max input in one or multiple directions and pushing your sticks as if you were gonna use the l3 or r3 button will make this worse. If you plug a ps4 controller in its rocksteady 100% input in any direction to compare. These controllers have always been hardware defective and no software patch is every going to get them ALL fixed because they all have issues UNIQUE to each controller, the software patches might work for like the small 3-10% of them that have a slightly buggy right or left stick that a deadzone reset will fix (but will also render them comparatively inferior to a standard ps4 controller for FPS games) but for every other one you're gonna get stuck in a cycle or replace replace replace till you hit the jackpot. Im completely done with this shady company using their customers as guinea pigs and putting the work of sorting out their defective goods on us. Im refunding the replacement i got today, tomorrow, i suggest you do the same.

oh and yeah i was one of the beta testers for 1.02, doesnt help, sometimes introduces more issues.

On my computer when playing with the razer raiju te on fortnite it runs smooth af and no issues. but when i connect it to the ps4 it has this small input lagg and this R stick moving like 30% of the speed in 2 sec and its back to normal.

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