[TotW] The Reason for Razer | Razer Insider
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[TotW] The Reason for Razer


The first time I laid eyes on a Blade

My first encounter with Razer was filled with skepticism. There existed a somewhat cognitive dissonance about a decade ago where PC laptops were sci-fi induced nightmare machines and MacBooks were these super streamlined, beautifully crafted pieces of technology. It made no sense to me. The hardware was similar enough, PC manufacturers had the ability to create the hardware necessary to put out beautiful versions of their laptops, but they didn't - or at least it didn't seem like they were trying.

I had friends jumping ship to Mac merely for the fact that the Macs looked better. As a devoted Windows user, this hurt. I mean, where's the freakin' right-click, man!?

And when it came to gaming? Forget it.

Then I discovered Razer. They were doing the thing that we as gamers needed. They understood. They, got it.

I thought it was a joke at first, but I soon came to realize that this was the real deal and since then, I've been obsessed. I eventually bought a mouse, then started working for the company and well, here I am.

So, Insiders. What was your Razer moment?

I gave a bunch of Silver away in last week's Thread of the Week and I'll do it again this week. I'd love to hear your stories.

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19 Replies

  • 163 replies
  • February 5, 2020
I was skeptical about buying razer gears because of the price, but when I had my first razer mice I understood where the magic starts 🙂

Everyone is sceptiacal when they see a company for the first time, but after a short period of time your like ''this is the good stuff''

My first encounter with Razer was their mouse Diamondblack 3G. Since then i've hooked to Razer for ALL my gaming needs. My list of Razer just goes on and on. From my Razer Blade 15 all the way to Razer Goliathus until the Ergonomic mouse rest. Countless keyboards of Blackwidows, Turret and Razer Basilisk Ultimate. I need a cure on this. What i liked most about Razer is they really knows what gamers NEEDS and they are not shy to always try new products and explore new ideas. I do not need a cheap mouse which can do proper shooting with enough training. I NEED a damn good looking mouse which can hit that headshot with minimum training required. Damn those mechanical keyboards are so great to type on that I couldnt go back to normal keyboards now.

  • 30 replies
  • February 5, 2020
My first Razer product was a Razer Kraken Headset, i bought it a while ago. For me it was just a headset back then. Some times later i got the Razer Mamba TE as a gift and thats what got me hooked.
I just love the looks, and the Chroma made me buy everything else, because i can sync it (so its not just a happy colorful explosion, its a synced coloful explosion!)
Also i use the Razor products for quite a while now and i never had any issues. (Except one: A Razer Keyboard does not like Gin Tonic poured into it...lol)

  • 265 replies
  • February 5, 2020
My first time buying a Deathadder when the general consensus was that almost all Deathadders double click some point in their life. I had no warranty support in the country I was in so I took a huge gamble. Even though that Deathadder did eventually double click, it kept me gaming at my peek for 1.5 years.

Never thought changing a mouse would make me so good. Also now that I have Razer's awesome 2 year warranty support I never hesitate from buying new stuff.

  • Vanguard
  • 478 replies
  • February 5, 2020
My Razer moment was buying a Mamba 2011 or 2012 I think. Literally impulse buy since I wasn't even gaming at that time but that glass rectangular box and the mouse on a pedestal made me buy it without any remorse or regret. I just wish I would have kept it in the box since my oily hands ended up destroying the coating on that mouse.

  • Vanguard
  • 722 replies
  • February 5, 2020
I loved gaming since i was a kid, and it was all known back then that Razer is one of the best gaming peripherals company but they prices are also high. And one day while i was browsing through an electronic store i got the chance to see some Razer products and it just made me realize that i have to have them. As a student with no income i started with a Razer Goliathus Control FIssure edition which was the cheapest, and the next thing was the Blackwidow Ultimate which had a discount. After those encounters i decided i should fully go Razer, and had joined p2p program which i'm still into today.

  • Insider
  • 609 replies
  • February 5, 2020
For me the moment i became a big admirer consumer for Razer was when i bought the Deathadder mouse for my PC setup. And that was after using multiple other peripheral brands. I've never looked back after that Deathadder mouse. I can proudly say i am a Razer user now. :)

Now my ultimate goal is to own a Razer blade, soon one day! And that will complete the full Razer setup! Yay! 🙂

  • Insider Mini
  • 417 replies
  • February 5, 2020
The first time I heard of Razer was from looking at the bottom of my new Microsoft Habu mouse since Razer made the sensor for it. (2007?) Within a couple years I got the original Deathadder and Megalodon headset but still didn't really follow Razer much. I got the Logitech keyboard with the Gamepanel screen and liked that a lot. Around 2015 I started collecting a full Razer setup and following them more closely. The main reason I liked Razer more than the other companies is the RGB enabled games, along with the design and features of their products.

When every PC gamer talks and knows about Razer, when you see it in every LAN cafe and you've heard of it even if you're not very much into PC gaming then you know that it's doing something very well. I've always remember myself thinking that I'd have a full Razer Chroma setup when I get a gaming PC.

My first product was a Sphex Mini for my laptop but when I built my PC it was finally time! I got a Kraken Pro V.2, a Goliathus Chroma and a Deathadder Elite. In terms of comfort, looks performance and build quality they are second to none. You simply cannot go wrong with Razer.

  • Insider Mini
  • 295 replies
  • February 6, 2020
I went all in on the word of an ex-lover

I had always been a mouth-breathing Apple fanboi.

Then, when I grew up and got my first office job circa 2004, a chunky Dell? Toshiba? (can't tell the diff tbh) laptop was forced unto me. Oh, l'horreur! But... call it Stockholm syndrome or whatever, I soon got used to it, even began liking it. Even started thinking, "Wow PCs are so good these days, if they carry on like this my next laptop might actually be a PC!"

At this point I wasn't a PC gamer yet. In fact, I wasn't much of a gamer at all.

Then, I grew up a little more, met a girl and fell in love.

Our first date was at a PC fair. She was the dream gamer geek girl who introduced me to L4D2 and Second Life.

A year into our relationship and having spent one too many nights at her place gaming on her fully customized desktop PC (but of course!), I decided it was time to have my own gaming space.

She took me by hand to yet another PC fair. At the time, my heart was kinda set on Alienware (looking back, I cringe...). She gently suggested looking around a bit more. I said OK so I could get to spend more time with her and to be fair, she knew more about gaming and computers than I did. We came across a stark black booth lit with neon green accents. This was the moment she popped my proverbial Razer cherry and told me all she knew about the company.

When I saw how sleek the Blade display piece was, I was the exact personification of the gif in Dekades' post. Alien-who, what-ware you say?

On the word of a lover, I went all in and bought a two-thousand-dollar++ gaming laptop from a brand I had never heard of and knew nothing about.

The gamer girl has since left. But here I am typing this on the same, trusty Razer Blade I bought 7 years ago.

  • Insider Mini
  • 355 replies
  • February 6, 2020
I use to play World of Warcraft a lot, and when i say a lot it was that much.
Long story short i was one of the players that took pvp to another level (personally) early.While i was studing in univercity, programming engineering you can tell i had an advanced consumer preferences when it comes to hardware.
I thought i was huppy with my custom keybinds on my Logitech G5 mouse until i bought the Razer Naga.That was a huge upgrade at the time and then a few months later i bought the Anansi.The combination was absolute at that time.
I returned from the post office to show my new toy to a geek friend like me and as we were talking about this new company who were gamers that were inventing things "for gamers by gamers" someone asked me "what do you need all these buttons on a mouse?" my friend replied "It's his job,alright?".
(The same person still has my G5 now that im thinking of it hehe).
The same day i read the manual (Yes i did! And i rarely do afterwards), installed my mouse with the software of course and i couldn't believe the difference from anything i had hold until that time. I didn't know where to start customizing my hardware into the applications and games i wanted.The options were limitless.I stayed up all night setting up and gaming meanwhile.I had a hard time accepting 5 years later that the right click is about to die so i bought a new version of it but looks like it's still factional or was a synapse 2 malfanction...In anyway i remember the day i used my mouse for the very first time like it was yesterday.

  • Insider Mini
  • 498 replies
  • February 6, 2020
It's simply Razer, in other words, most op, high end, best looking gaming brand worldwide.

I used to always question why mac owners, insisted on using iphones, wearing apple watches, and at home choosing an apple tv over a roku or fire stick or *insert streaming device*

Fast forward a few years later, I am essentially like those apple fan boys, cept I'm way more 1337 because I fan boy over gaming related things. *pops collar*

I made my first expensive (to me) Razer Chroma enabled device purchase (BW - Green Switches) and paired it up to Overwatch, the chroma effects just DROPPED my jaws. I quickly added a chroma enabled mouse (DA) and a FireFly mouse pad. HOLY SMOKES .... it all goes together.... it all LOOKS SO GOOD .... when you buy a complete set! It didnt take long until I had a Razer Mouse Bungee, a Seiren Mic, and a Kraken (chroma enabled) head set. I was HOOKED. Razer phone came out = BOUGHT IT. Razer Nommo Chroma speakers came out = BOUGHT IT. Razer collaborated with Lian Li to create an amazing (and chroma'd) case .... BOUGHT IT.

Fan Boy / Die Hard / Enthusiasts .... call me what you will ...

  • Insider
  • 832 replies
  • February 6, 2020
My first Razer experience was when my wife bought for herself a Naga just because it has more buttons than my mouse (Steelseries WoW Cataclysm MMO mouse with 13 buttons).
And even if i dislike having all those buttons under one finger, my wife became soon fond of this mouse.
So for the next Christmas she offered me a Kraken 7.1 (V1). And at the moment i put this headset on my ears was when the magic occured.
Comfortable, giving a good 7.1 experience, putting some good basses, and still fully fonctionnal after many years (this is the only one in a long serie of various headsets from a lot af brands that last this long in a familily of 3 gamers).
The "leather" cover above the head and the cushions started to tear apart, wich made me replace the cushions.
But 20 bucks of maintenance for 5 years is more than acceptable.

Since then i got :
- an Ornata chroma
- a Kraken 7.1 V2
- a Blackwidow Elite
- a Goliathus Chroma

And i'm not planning to stop there.

My first experience with Razer was at a Dota 1 tournament, keyboards provided were Blackwidow Ultimate. At first I thought it was cool since it has a blue backlight, first time I saw a keyboard shining. But then BOOOOM!!! I always misclick due to the macro keys on the left side. Muscle memory made my finger positioning always include the macro keys through the whole tournament. Since then I hated that keyboard.

But then Razer came a long way and released different products up to date. I now own a Huntsman Elite, Mamba Elite, Firefly v2, Kraken 7.1 v2 and a Base Station Chroma. Now I am a total fan of Razer and planning to increase my collection.

P.S. (Maybe I still hate that keyboard)

  • Insider
  • 398 replies
  • February 8, 2020
Oh das ist leicht zu erklären.
Vor etwa 10 Jahren arbeitete ich noch für einen grossen Elektro Markt in Deutschland. Dort war ich im Service und hatte Reparaturen, Umtausch etc. gemacht. So kamm ich auch schnell in Kontakt mit Razer. Die Artikel wurden meist umgetauscht bei defekten oder wen dem Kunden es nicht gefiel. Hab die dann immer auf der Arbeit eingesetzt also, Maus und Tatstaturen. So habe ich mich schnell dran gewöhnt. Der weitere Vorteil war, die Kunden kammen, sahen diese tollen beleuchteten Tastaturen und haben sich dann auch eine im Markt gekauft. Eine Win Win Situation. Natürlich nutze ich Razer seit dieser Zeit auch Privat.

Oh, that's easy to explain.
About 10 years ago I was still working for a large electrical market in Germany. There I was in the service and had done repairs, exchanges etc. So I quickly got in touch with Razer. The items were mostly exchanged for defective or who the customer did not like. Have then always used them on the work so, mouse and keyboards. So I got used to it quickly. The other advantage was that customers came, saw these great illuminated keyboards and then bought one in the market. A win-win situation. Of course, I have been using Razer privately since that time.

  • Insider Mini
  • 21 replies
  • February 8, 2020
This made it clear to me being a gamer, I realized there is an profound company that can produce quality product, powerful productivity, and even a time for hardcore gaming in one absolute portable computer.

  • 19 replies
  • February 14, 2020
I got a damaged blackwidow ultimate bf3 edition with the cherry mx blue switches for free. It got juice spilled all over it so i took it apart and dunked the board in 90% alcohol that fixed it. then i fell in love with it so i bought electra v2 headset i was pleased with it and then i bought the basilisk and goliathus for it. I still use that keyboard but i want to buy new blackwidow ultimate so i can use croma with my mouse.

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