mic problem on ps4 | Razer Insider
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so my mic isn't working on ps4 but it used to work properly

I have manowar wireless and kraken wired

for man o war when turn on the device and join a party chat an alarm pops on screen which says mic is muted that's while I haven't muted my headset! also for kraken when I plug it in the controller everything is norma, but just can not talk!!!

the thing is when I checked the settings everything was ok so I dunno what the problem is!

also I used them both on my phone or laptop and they worked properly but on ps4 they don't ! seems like sony has ran into a problem with razer products, any thoughts on how to fix this?


in meinem RTazer Core X Chrome steckt eine Aorus 2080 Xtreme 8G

Gibt es irgendwie eine möglichkeit ein BIOS Update der Karte zu starten.

Ich habe bereits sämtliche Programm von Aorus installiert aber leider findet keins dieser Programme meine Xtreme 8g 😞

Liegt es an dem Thunderbolt 3 Anschluss?

Hat jemand zufällig eine Aorus Karte im Razer Core X verbaut?

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in my Razer Core X Chrome is an Aorus 2080 Xtreme 8G

Is there any way to start a BIOS update of the card.

I have already installed all the programs from Aorus but unfortunately none of these programs find my Xtreme 8g :-(

Is it because of the Thunderbolt 3 connection?

Has anyone accidentally installed an Aorus card in the Razer Core X?

Ok das Problem lag am NVIDIA Treiber, ich hatte nicht den DCH Installiert :-((( Jetzt geht alles, Aorus/RGB/Spiele/Geil

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Ok, the problem was the NVIDIA driver, I had not installed the DCH: - ((Now everything goes, Aorus / RGB / Games / Cool