Display yourself with warmth with RAZER ring light!
Start broadcasting, viewers are waiting for you~~~
Nice products for old and new vloggers! Razer keep it coming!
And selfies :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_::wink_:
Haha, Razer will literally sell anything by now.
What will they come up next?
Razer = Apple, make market demand, example, Razer Kiyo Pro no longer have the built-in ring light, remove the function and sell it separately.
Looking good for streamer and tik tokers
At the rate this is going, when can we expect Razer Electric cars?
Display yourself with warmth with RAZER ring light!
Start broadcasting, viewers are waiting for you~~~
I'm starting to think Sye was watching the broadcast whilst I was fast asleep
Ok, so now I've found the missing light ring from Kiyo Pro
Some love for the streamers.
Razer = Apple, make market demand, example, Razer Kiyo Pro no longer have the built-in ring light, remove the function and sell it separately.
I agree, it would've been better to have it built-in. No one is going to purchase the kiyo and then the ring, its too much.
I'm starting to think Sye was watching the broadcast whilst I was fast asleep :)
Would you like to move to NZ? :smile_::wink_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
So that you will remain awake in Z+12 time zone for the next event :wink_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
A nice way to make up for the light loss of the Kiyo Pro, but the adding costs are overkill.
I agree, it would've been better to have it built-in. No one is going to purchase the kiyo and then the ring, its too much.
Yeah, that's a lot to fork over for that combination. Best to stick to the regular kiyo. Best in compromising video quality and price.
Is the set complete now? I mean, YT and Twitch streamers can now have everything from Razer.
Doing great Team Green!
razer turning into wish rn
Damn that's one big ring, too big.
this one what i need now
Would you like to move to NZ? :smile_::wink_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
So that you will remain awake in Z+12 time zone for the next event :wink_::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye_:
Dude! I'd love to move to NZ! Please arrange so I can come join the Saffa community of expats there :-)
Please ask the PM to pull some strings, will come claim asylum
if this product gets another version, can you add a mount for dlss cameras as webcams typically do not perform up to par. I have not tried razer's webcams so I am not rlly entitled to this opinion. Just a suggestion for another ring light. Maybe you could make an attachment for dlss camera instead.
Toooo many accessories already in my room lol
Hopefully we can redeem this using silvers soon!
same...i need a new keyboard
TRIPOD STAND included.