Excellent Video Explaining Raiju Problem | Razer Insider
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I stumbled on this video and it is an excellent description of what I experienced with my last Rajiu TE v1.04.

I have since moved on to the Astro C40, but I thought I'd post it.
My pad 1.04 on this site works much better.
My pad 1.04 on this site works much better.

Same here
Beware of ASTRO Gaming C40 TR, it has the same Razer drift problems, it also does not work on the PC! Among other problems! Amazon.com is full of bad reviews of the product! At least the Razer know that with the 1.03 and electric spray solves their problems.
Beware of ASTRO Gaming C40 TR, it has the same Razer drift problems, it also does not work on the PC! Among other problems! Amazon.com is full of bad reviews of the product! At least the Razer know that with the 1.03 and electric spray solves their problems.

I was afraid of this. That's why i stayed with the raiju. Everyone jumped to the c40.
Beware of ASTRO Gaming C40 TR, it has the same Razer drift problems, it also does not work on the PC! Among other problems! Amazon.com is full of bad reviews of the product! At least the Razer know that with the 1.03 and electric spray solves their problems.

the C40 has stick drift because u took off the lid and did something with the analog sticks and then didnt recalibrate them, reset the controller and then recalibrate it and u wont have stick drift

there are countless theads on reddit talking about stick drift and every single one of them got fixed by recalibrating the analog sticks, also the people who experience it more have made some very bad stick setting in the software asides from not recalibrating them, so the C40 still thinks the sticks are parallel while they can be offset, or thinks the sticks are normal height while they have been changed to longer height and they are also much more sensitive from the software, reset and recalibrate and the problem is gone, if you have bought it its in the manual honestly, u should have done ur research first imo
I've been using the C40 for 3 weeks and have not had a single problem or performance issue. My Razer Raiju was UNUSABLE from day one.
I've been using the C40 for 3 weeks and have not had a single problem or performance issue. My Razer Raiju was UNUSABLE from day one.

Every single thread i have seen asides from a couple have all their issues fixed either with a reset or a recalibrate, but i think people want to make excuses for the C40 not being good at this point to not regret wasting money on the Raiju. Btw how is the stick resistance? People say they feel very loose? Thats the only thing im worried about and its durability tbh
The stick resistance does not feel very loose to me. It is maybe a little bit looser than my SCUFs, but not by much.

I've moved the sticks to both configurations, and did not have to recalibrate afterwards. All in all, the C40 seems like a pretty solid controller.
Btw besides the video above, if someone tries this method:

they will also see how badly the controller responds while turning it, there is a method to do it in windows too, just google controller testing in windows and it will be easy to find.