Help needed - manowar!!! | Razer Insider
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Help needed - manowar!!!

  • 7 June 2020
  • 1 reply

So the story is, I have a Man O’war 7.1 surround, wireless model, and my wireless dongle has unfortunately broken!

My question now is could I possibly use the nari dongle for it if I purchased one off the razercare store?

Could I even buy one from the razercare store as I’m in the UK?
No, the 2 dongles are different. The one on the Nari wont work with your Manowar. You should contact support and ask them a way to buy the Manowar dongle.

Well that sucks 😞 I’ve messaged them but I’m just awaiting a reply. It’s sad because the only other option is to buy another second hand headset and I can’t really afford it