If a picture says a thousand words. H3 couch play...
The earliest I've remembered that made me a gamer is when I was a kid, my dad taught me about 2 games we had in our desktop computer. It was 2 of Microsoft's games. One of them was a motocross game (it had stunts in it and 2 maps in the demo version, though labeled as trial), the other one had monster trucks in it. I had a really good time experimenting on those games a few years after I was introduced to those. Early on, though, I was raging because I didn't know how to win as easily in the motocross game. As for the monster truck game, I was fine with it because it had difficulty settings.
y Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
I started with Minecraft after seeing the brother of a friend playing it.
I invested much time in minecraft and got to know more and more games.
Terraria was the 1st game i bought on steam and much more were following.
The time i spend in front of my PC or Console for videogames are Countless and as long as i am able to do so i wont stop.
I'd say when I was 1 and playing The Legend of Zelda on the NES and Centipede on the Atari. I have loved to play games ever since I got my chance at those and especially after I beat The Legend of Zelda for the first time. It's stuck with me all the way up to today playing games like Destiny 2, Bioshock, Soul Calibur, etc.
Hey Insiders!
Razer Insider has celebrated years of great conversations. On top of that, we've seen Razer grow bigger and better and we have you, the fans to thank. In celebration of reaching over one million registered users on Insider, we want to show our appreciation for YOU, our fans, our very own Razer Insiders.
Gaming is an essential part of our lives. Whether we started with a controller in our hands, played command based games on two color screens or chased pixel blocks on our phones, there was a defining moment you realized, you were a gamer. A moment of epiphany that gaming wasn’t something that you did to pass the time. That gaming was the thing you thought of even when you weren’t gaming. That longing you felt because you were so connected to those unforgettable characters. The immersion of the world that sucked you in. Being unable to sleep at night because you were stuck in the game. Share that defining moment with us for a chance to get your hands on our Razer, Represent Prize Package which includes:
- Razer Rogue 15.6'' Backpack V2
- Razer Rising Snapback Cap
- Razer Elite Dark Side Tee
And for those who share really great stories, we'll drop you some Silver in appreciation for sharing your moment with us.
Entering is simple: registered Insider members must reply to this thread. A winner will be chosen at random and notified through Razer Insider via direct message.
Let us celebrate you. Tell us your story.
Yo that's a good size fan base.
I played a lot of consoles as a kid back in the 70s and 80s. Started out with good ole Pong Sports. My cousin next door got an atari and we moved on to Donkey Kong and Pitfall. Next came the Nintendo and my love of Super Mario Bros. Then I "grew up", got married, had kids and for a few years I didn't play any video games. After my first marriage split up and I met my current husband, he was playing Ultima Online. I watched a bit and played around on his account a bit before I ended up getting my own computer rig and my on UO account. The first time I moved my character away from the thriving town/bank commerce areas and got a taste of PvP for the first time, I was HOOKED. Since then I've been through WoW (Beta, before the release all the way through Cataclysm), Tabula Rasa (great game with lots of potential, was sad it shut down), AoC, SWTOR, and a few others. I'm in grad school and working full time, so I don't get to play like I used to, but I have been hearing the call since the return of vanilla WoW!
My best gaming moment was that time..... When I was playing with my Nintendo GB and my father entered the house with that big shopping bag.....which we opened just to find inside the PSX..... DAMN, when we connected it....Well,it was only until I get my first pc. Screw the consoles

My gaming journey started with LF2, CS1.6, etc. Using the most basic computer and keyboard and it's still fun.
After Razer exists, Razer brings all the gamers to the next level. Game is not a game anymore. Game is more about lifestyle to me. After studying, I now have lots of fancy stuff from Razer to fully enjoy games. Just like some people like to drink after their job.
So my first memory of video games started with Need for Speed:Hot Pursuit 2 on pc. I was 11 and recovering from a broken leg and that game provided hours of fun while my friends were outside running around and playing football and basketball. But the moment when I realized I was a gamer was when my brother and I received an original Xbox for Chriatmas and we literally played through the entire Halo:Combat Evolved Co-op campaign in one sitting! That moment was when I realized that gaming was as much a part of my life as eating, breathing, and sleeping! Thanks Razer, I have been a fan and customer from the beginning and can't wait for each new product that hits the shelves. I love the gear I have and recommend y'all every chance I get!
I had never played minecraft on PC before so i got it to be able to play with my friends through a call. My computer is pretty crappy though, so it ended up taking me over 3 hours to download and i was just kind of sitting there talking to my friends who had already found diamonds. I was pretty happy when minecraft downloaded because you know i had been waiting so long, so i spent another hour trying to get it to open but it was too advanced for my computer to run, so i turned down everything as low as could go and it still didn't work. BUT I NEEDED SOME MINECRAFT. So i downloaded it on my phone and got on a server with them and we all teamed on minecraft hunger games. It was a little embarrassing considering there were 4 of us and we didn't win a single game by teaming, but i blame it on inexperience. Needless to say it was still fun and is now my favorite gaming moment.
Well it all started with mario 64 .i was like 7/9 yo that time then i used ps2 i played god of war . Crash .. but i couldn't finish any game that time xD well i kept trying trying but tilting so stopled for a while ans my came back was in 2014 with with computer :3 i played league of legends and some other games but i've never noticed that im a gamer till that moment i'm more likely a solo player but my fans in the last stream told me that i am an actuall gamer tho
I didn't have an exact moment but when i realized gaming was one of the few things that I can do without getting bored for prolonged time periods, I knew then.
When start from KOTOR to MMORPG what was SWTOR and it Razer gear the mouse what started new revelution inside me as I never new I need 12 thumb buttons but it grow inside me when used that so it became the mouse what change thumb move in other games too. It became new normal for me for gaming mouse. Razer Insider in me was developed.
I had sleeping troubles due to gaming from 2003-2014, I would play Disgaea : Hour of Darkness every day and every night. I would get 3-5 if I was lucky hours of sleep, I loved that game so much. I stopped playing it for a few months in 2007 but then they made a PSP port called Afternoon of Darkness and I got addicted all over again up until 2014. It was released on Steam in 2016 I got addicted again but I ran into a glitch which wouldn't let me start the game anymore and I haven't played the game since due to fear of it being fixed and my addiction to it coming back after life has been getting good for me.
Razer is the best
I have no great story to tell, but i Love your products since i was a little kid and you deserve way more than 1 million fans.
My first console was the SNES. After spending hundreds of hours playing Super Mario World (mostly for the cape feather and Yoshi) and turtles in time. I realized I was a gamer when I would get so lost in a game hours Wikileaks pass without me realizing. Which still happens today.
Gaming has been present in my life since I was around 7, when my aunt bought me my first console, the gameboy advance. A couple of years later my parents gave me the nintendo DSI, and then the wii (yeah, I was a nintendo kinda guy back then). Many years passed and I pretty much left gaming aside (played some emulators on my phone since I didn't have a PC/console to play with, but that was it). It wasn't until 2017 when a friend of mine recommended me Team Fortress 2. Since the very start, I fell in love with the game and even though the game is pretty old, many people, including me ofc still play it to this day. I even have a couple IRL friends that play with me regularly. This game really revived my love for gaming, and I've been playing a lot more games since I discovered it, got myself a gaming pc and a good setup (including a nice razer mamba elite

In summary, even though I've been playing since I was very young, It wasn't until 2017 when I truly got into gaming.
A moment for me is a little hard. For background my family played video games all through as far as I can remember.
My grandma played animal crossing or anything with an aspect of fishing. I saw my dad playing things on the ps2 like Onymusha, Overlord, Prince of Persia. My mom had a liking for all the cute games and played Mario when she was young.
Because of that I grew up with all sorts of consoles and games.
A really defining moment would probably be back when I was on minecraft and I started on public servers. I made really good friends I've come to appreciate to this day because I joined their faction in a public server. I've spent hundreds of hours on tf2 and Garry's mod and other games like killing floor. It made me really feel alive Skype calling when Skype was still popular. Just going deep into the depths of night when I should be sleeping to play that "one more match" of capture the flag.
All which lead up to me buying my first headset....
The razer kraken v1 haha.
Just so I could talk to the people in servers.
I would love to rock all these Razer gears!!!
Razer all the way.
When i was a little kid, i always heard about Razer products, for being the best Quality products, at that age i made a promise, i'll buy a lot of Razer peripherals, now i'm 21 years old and i can't be more happy with My Razer keyboard, mouse and headset, i really love them.
Black and Green ,what else u need to game !!!!
One of my favorite gaming moments (there are many) was when I was completing Halo 3 on legendary with my brothers and getting that last achievement on the last mission. All of us on Mongoose running to the exit while everything blew up around us. It was amazing and unforgettable. Can't wait for Halo infinite to drop so I can school people with my new Razer swag!
It was great. Those were indeed the days before there was actual pressure on me to get into a good college. It was in 5th grade . I got back home fired up my crappy laptop and opened YouTube. It was there where I saw a video by Dan TDM. It was a Minecraft mod video. I was so happy just watching it. I figured that I could try to get Minecraft for my crappy laptop. It took a year for me to convince my parents. They really did not like gaming . The day I got Minecraft was the day I realized that I was a gamer. I played for 14 hours straight. I played survival, some multiplayer arcade games. That is what led me to pursue making games and that was the day I became a gamer. I have now evolved into an rgb machine. Sadly though I only have a razer membrane keyboard. It's very good but I wanted a black widow but I don't got the budget for that. Anyways thanks for reading
