Razerblade 17 RZ09-0406 laptop RTX3080 Core GPU Clock Problem? | Razer Insider
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I have bought a brand new razerblade laptop that comes with both RTX3080 and Intel UHD series graphic cards. GPUs are managed by Optimus. But there seems to be a strange problem with the RTX Core clock. When the PC is idling the RTX core clock jumps to maximum frequency and back down non stop. I have captured a video from my screen showing what is going on. Could you please watch this video and tell me if you think that this is normal or not? Please if possible compare this behavior with what you see on your PC and tell me if you have this behavior or not. Your help would be very appreciated as I can still return the laptop if it's defective but need confirmation to know that THERE REALLY IS a problem.

Here is a direct link to the video in case like me you can't watch it in full screen here:
