What Games would you like to see in Chroma workshop? | Razer Insider
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What Games would you like to see in Chroma workshop?

  • 15 June 2023
  • 1 reply

This is  more of a poll then anything, but I was wondering what games everyone would like to see added to the Chroma workshop? There are alot of games that support Chroma RGB and look very nice, but there are even more out there that would be  nice to have support for.

Personally id love to see a few games like:

Satisfactory, Among us, Grounded, Raft, Phasmaphobia, and Signal Simulator. Just to name a few~


But what about everyone else? any games you want to see get some nice RGB support from the Chroma Workshop?

id love to see the games now with more funtionality. personally for me Fortnite is what id love to see improved.

better support fopr monster illuminous vs hue. hue better matching but storm purple, monster better storm blue but the day or dark lighting way better hue, sunset really looks like sunset. problem is monster is the most affordable product, by far. $40 60’ ceiling vs $200-$300 others. also the bar monmster has only $10 so i ahave bar top monitor pointing up and led strip under desk tier and ceiling lights. would love bar and desklights flicker red when hit and yellow when i hit someone, and ceiling for just day and storm but during storm some white flicker for the lighting. would like that when inside building it gets darker. this game had over 10 mil players just last few months ago, and if there was a way to implament a deal with monster to help on better lighting read and consol with usb hub just for razor or make the current razor chroma argb in usb model or adapters it be hit and every gamer would want it 
