Map shortcut "CTRL + <" to a key on Razor Tartarus Pro | Razer Insider
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I will map the shortcut "CTRL + <" to a key on the Tartarus Pro. The problem is that Synapse records this keystroke as "CTRL + \\".

It looks like Synapse record the keystrokes from a English keyboard, but in fact i work with a Swiss German keyboard.

If I configure the shortcut with the manual configuration as a symbol "<" and "CTRL" modifier, Synampse maps "SHIFT + CTRL + <" to the key.

If I switch my keyboard for recording the keystoke to an English version, the result is "SHIFT + CTRL + ,". Okay its the correct English keystroke.

So, my questions are, how i can map the shortcut "CTRL + <" to a key on Tartarus Pro?
Okay, i could solve it now. It's only wrong displayed in Synapse. In the application it triggers the right action. It's a little bit disturbing, but if you know that behavior, you can live with it...