Deathadder Chroma Not Being Recognized by Synapse 3 | Razer Insider
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I am on windows 10 and have Synapse 3 installed. It is recognizing my keyboard and mousepad but the DeathAdder Chroma is not showing up. I am not sure what to do as I want to be able to edit DPI. I have unplugged it and plugged it back in and it still doesn't find it.

Synapse 3 version 3.3.331.41818
In case anyone still has this issue which I had and many of you. Make sure Windows is updated to the latest and greatest. Looks like Razor drivers are dependent on latest Windows driver witch mean latest windows updates. It took me days to figure it out but yes Razor devices are dependent on windows drivers. Just update to latest windows updates and you are good. This works for all Windows versions (7,8,10). No need to re-install synapse just update Windows and after updates done and reboot your mouse will be detected.

I don't that really works, as i'm on the Insider Build of win 10 Pro. Heh.

Just picked up my Ornata Chroma today and currently loving it. Synapse 3 worked as soon as I updated the Ornata, unfortunately still have to run Synapse 2 & 3 as by the looks of it neither are compatible with each other driver wise, however both are nicely synced up. You can control the Audio visualiser aspect of Synapse 3 and it will reflect across the mouse too, if obviously you are using Synapse 3. It would be nice to see the features just implemented within Synapse 3 without having to purchase another DAC.
Wow, this is such bullshit. I just bought a deathadder mouse today and find out that it is not compatible with synapse 3.0?? wtf razer