Which best Razer control mousepad for FPS ? (without being muddy) | Razer Insider
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Which best Razer control mousepad for FPS ? (without being muddy)

  • December 15, 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi there, I’m searching for a new mousepad to replace my QCK who I am very used to it ( I just don’t like his stopping power which is almost none ) 

I searching for a control mouse pad, with good/medium stopping power although not muddy nor Super slow. Preferably with similar speed like the QCK - Balanced speed; more for slow side, then to the speed side. 

Mainly I play CS, and sometimes Valorant. So basically will be for these FPS, where control is essencial, but also stopping power, precision and micro-adjusments. 

Can someone give advices about good mousepads to choose ?  Would I can get a Razer mouse pad with these specs ? I usually use Razer mouse’s, which I love and are almost perfect - I own a Razer DA v3, and a Viper 8K. Although I need a very specific mousepad, would like to buy a Razer, but if doesn’t have what I look for, I’m whiling to choose other brand. Just want to check some advices. 


Edit:  Razer Mouse Pads are able to be washed ? (softly hand washed obviously) I know that some mouse pad brands simply couldn’t be washed at all, since ruin the cloth surface, and the pad, is no more the same again. But my hand sweats and are a little oily, so I need to have that in attention. With Qck, I own it, over 3Y, washed him a few times, and never had any issue.

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  • 6865 replies
  • December 15, 2023

I could recommend Razer Strider mousepad (i have the XXL variant). Previously owned Goliathus Speed.

Strider is more rough, you have more control over the mouse.

And yes, mousepads can be cleaned - just use moist cloth + a bit of pH neutral soap (or other detergent).


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