RAZER EDGE | The Ultimate Android Gaming Handheld | Razer Insider
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RAZER EDGE | The Ultimate Android Gaming Handheld

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Pretty sure its an all in one dude. However it can still be used as a phone too. But who the hell is gonna carry this thing around as a phone...this is why its poitnless - just easier to buy a kishi and use your high end 120hz phone in the controller when you need it...thats my opinion anyway. this is why i bought an Aya Neo - it runs windows so i can play AAA games on it - they run well enough because the resolution is low...plus you can turn settings down. I can also use it to stream high end games via Moonlight (or xbox/ps servoces if you dont have a dedicated gaming PC to stream from
Do You reccomend it for games, like is the quality high at all? Do you think its worth the purchase?

  • Insider Mini
  • 355 replies
  • October 30, 2022
basicaly its the same thing as putting a phone into a kishi 1 or 2
thats what im thinking of as well

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • October 31, 2022
Do You reccomend it for games, like is the quality high at all? Do you think its worth the purchase?
Personally I dont thnk its worth ot - its just a really new Nvidia Shield Portable basically - not sure if you remember those...android gaming device with built-in controller - this is same thing but modern. Like i said before - if the good games offered controller support then i would definiltely consider geting one - but they dont - games like COD mobile and Apex legends on android only let you use a ps or xbox gamepad - so you wont be able to play those games with the pad on this - so its basically useless - unless Razr provides some button mapping and joystick mapping overlay so you can map the buttons and the sticks to areas on the screen to play - similar to octopus - though octopus wont work as Activision banned it

  • Insider Mini
  • 234 replies
  • October 31, 2022
Very nice!!

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  • 257 replies
  • November 6, 2022
Its not very clear this is a phone that comes with the Kishi V2 right? It can still be used as a standlone phone i suppose, i couldn't find too many photos of it.
It's not a phone. It's a tablet with the option to use mobile data for internet access. It doesn't make calls or anything like that, at least out of the box it's not meant to be a phone. The controller can be disconnected too so it can be used it tablet-only mode.

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • November 7, 2022
It's not a phone. It's a tablet with the option to use mobile data for internet access. It doesn't make calls or anything like that, at least out of the box it's not meant to be a phone. The controller can be disconnected too so it can be used it tablet-only mode.
if you go for the 5g option it will obviously be a phone too - you will be able to make calls 100% - whether its "meant to be a phone" or not is besides the point - it can be used as a phone if you go for the 5g option Also it looks the size of a large phone in between the pad as well - no way near the size of a tablet

  • Insider
  • 257 replies
  • November 8, 2022
if you go for the 5g option it will obviously be a phone too - you will be able to make calls 100% - whether its "meant to be a phone" or not is besides the point - it can be used as a phone if you go for the 5g option Also it looks the size of a large phone in between the pad as well - no way near the size of a tablet
Obviously that's true. Point was mostly that it's not intended to be a phone. It's basically a 7 inch tablet. (6.8 inches) It's definitely a tablet, just not as wide as traditional 7 inch tablets. It's not going to be practical as a phone because it doesn't have an earpiece and the microphone placement is not in an ideal location either. If someone wants to go through the hassle, I guess they can do that but it doesn't seem like it would be all that reliable / practical or fun to be used as a phone. We'll have to see once it comes out though. We all want another razer phone, hopefully this is going to eventually lead into that.

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • November 8, 2022
so basically you were wrong - its a phone lol - which was the question - the 5g version is basically a phone in a kishi

  • Insider
  • 257 replies
  • November 9, 2022
so basically you were wrong - its a phone lol - which was the question - the 5g version is basically a phone in a kishi
No. I'm not wrong. You're making a broad assumption this can be used as a phone. Its like saying an iPad with 5g connection is a phone. Its not. Can you use an app that let's you make calls? Possibly. But it lacks other hardware and identifiers that make it an actual phone. Its no more a phone than a computer with Skype or an iPad with a VoIP. You cannot assign a number to it. The connection for 5g is strictly meant for data. Verizon sells data only plans and that's what this will use. You would have to use a 3rd party application to route and forward calls to it. Similarly to google voice or Skype. Which is ridiculous and not reliable. Its a gaming tablet with the option of mobile data. Nothing more nothing less.

  • Insider
  • 302 replies
  • November 9, 2022
hmmmm I guess I'll not buy it.... Cause I don't have smartphone :joy_cat::joy_cat:

  • Insider
  • 257 replies
  • November 9, 2022
hmmmm I guess I'll not buy it.... Cause I don't have smartphone :joy_cat::joy_cat:
For the price of the 5G version you could definitely get a pretty killer phone these days. Since they haven't posted the price of the 5G version it's safe to bet it'll be a lot more than the base model. How much more though? Hard to tell but I'd imagine it'll probably be $100 or more plus the price of the verizon plan.

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • November 9, 2022
For the price of the 5G version you could definitely get a pretty killer phone these days. Since they haven't posted the price of the 5G version it's safe to bet it'll be a lot more than the base model. How much more though? Hard to tell but I'd imagine it'll probably be $100 or more plus the price of the verizon plan.
you have absolutely no idea - every sim card has a phone number -you connect bluetooth headphones to it and you have a phone. its ok to be wrong sometimes - dont worry

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • November 9, 2022
For the price of the 5G version you could definitely get a pretty killer phone these days. Since they haven't posted the price of the 5G version it's safe to bet it'll be a lot more than the base model. How much more though? Hard to tell but I'd imagine it'll probably be $100 or more plus the price of the verizon plan.
anyway im going to block you now as i havent got time for this - i have my own IT business for 20 years so i know what im talking about mate

  • Insider
  • 257 replies
  • November 9, 2022
you have absolutely no idea - every sim card has a phone number -you connect bluetooth headphones to it and you have a phone. its ok to be wrong sometimes - dont worry
Again.. connecting bluetooth is a workaround. It doesn't magically turn it into a fully functioning phone. Here in the U.S. when you buy a NON-PHONE device that has a mobile 5g or 4g lte radio inside of it, you only get access to the data network. You're not issued a phone number for DATA ONLY Sim cards. They have different SIMs that are separate from the ones you get with a cellphone. When you buy a mobile hotspot, you can't simply just call the hotspot.. lol. I know what you're saying. Yes, you can download a dialer and connect to bluetooth and "make calls".. after you jump through a bunch of hoops, that still does not make it a dedicated phone. You are making it into a "sort-of-phone". You have to use third party software to give you a virtual phone number. Skype and other VOIP-only clients are all you're going to be able to use. You're not going to have a physical phone number like you do with a cell phone. The calls have to be routed over the internet and forwarded to a PBX where it'll get routed and then the call will be made.. It's not going to work like a traditional phone would. It'll be unreliable and you'd be forced to be connected to bluetooth 24 / 7. Who wants to do that? It's ridiculous. You're better off buying an actual phone to make real phone calls if you're that concerned about having a phone with you. That's the point. I also work in IT have been for the same amount of time. I have also worked for cellphone providers. Not that should matter, but I also know what I'm talking about friend. I'm not trying to argue with you but you're giving people the wrong impression with your information. The person asked if you could turn it into a phone, while you sort of can, it's not going to act like a phone and they should be informed of this.. I'm simply trying to explain that you need to do a lot more than just pop a sim card into the thing and expect calls. There are limitations, limitations you don't want to acknowledge. I agreed with your first post about it being silly to use as a phone.. you're better off getting an actual phone and a kishi or getting the Razer Edge (wi-fi only) in addition to your phone. The 5G versions are a gimmick. 5G sucks in most places. The range is abysmal, it doesn't make sense to get the 5G model IMO. They tried that with the PS Vita and hardly nobody used the data connection. WiFi is so abundant anymore, it's better to just use that if you're wanting to play multiplayer games. If you want to block me for something so petty as disagreeing with someone on a forum, then go right ahead. It's silly to get so worked up over something so trivial. You've had a condescending tone the entire time so it's not going to bother me any if I'm blocked. I'm just trying to share factual information without judgement. It's not a contest.

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • January 22, 2023
Here we go! If this works well then well done Razer...the ability to play Android games that dont support a gamepad, with a gamepad is the last major piece in the puzzle https://9to5google.com/2023/01/20/razer-kishi-v2-virtual-controller-mode/

my only problem is cloud gaming, otherwise i like it. they coulda added a sim entry too.
I absolutely agree, I have the razer phone 2 and I am ready for number 3!

Is the USBC port a display port as well? Are you able to connect a set of AR glasses directly to Razer Edge?

  • Insider
  • 141 replies
  • January 29, 2023
Is the USBC port a display port as well? Are you able to connect a set of AR glasses directly to Razer Edge?
good shout - i have Nreal Air glasses and i connect them to my razer blade and my Aya Neo, as well as my oneplus 8 pro. i really wish the kishi v2 had usb c video out passthrough but it doesnt - it only lets you charge it....i reckon this razer edge is just a kishi with a phone in the middle - basically a pretty good deal - only prob is you cant detach the controllers and use it as a phone only lol - you may be waling down the street taling and it looks like your talking to a game controller

  • Insider Mini
  • 3 replies
  • May 22, 2024





I wish razer can hear me out please test out Elgato HD60X on razer edge to show gameplay directly on razer edge?


Razer edge software sucks.I wish I had bought an anbernic device.

  • Insider Mini
  • 5 replies
  • March 19, 2025

The Razer Edge looks like a powerhouse for mobile gaming, especially with the Snapdragon G3x and active cooling to keep performance steady. The 144Hz AMOLED display is a great touch for smooth visuals, and pairing it with the Kishi V2 should make it feel more like a console experience. Definitely curious to see how it compares to other handhelds—has anyone tested it out yet?


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