MEGA HYPE! I really would like a white Razer product, it’s nice to know that Razer are extending their colour range!
I really think that's a beautifull line of products.
After Quartz and Mercury, could you make a blue electric setup ?
I'll buy it as soon as it's lauched.
Nice for accompanying mercury Blade:smile_:
Still looking for a mercury edition Orbweaver
Not for me but many people will be happy of new mercury devices

Will even more great if mercury and quarz devices will be sell on the same time as premiere of regular device ^^
MEGA HYPE! I really would like a white Razer product, it’s nice to know that Razer is extending their color range! :)
Haha, dude, you are right!
Nah, not my cup of tea, but as long as I can buy stuff in Razer Black or Gunmetal Grey, I'm happy for the variety for those of you who prefer mercury or quartz (or electric blue, as suggested above). If anything, I'd rather see jade green...
Love the Mercury Basestation and the Mercury Goliathus extended. Gonna be hard to keep that thing clean though.
Would have loved a black and white braided cable. As an owner of the Lancehead T.E Mercury the cable gets dirty very easily. The cable on the Destiny 2 edition looked good and was easier to maintain.
I don't know why but I imagined gunmetal when I saw the mercury headline.

White ain't my thing :3
cool! looking forward to this awesome setup!
Would like to see Gunmetal Grey next. Also would be nice to have color options for the Razer Naga and Razer Orbweaver. More MMO products would be nice this summer since we're getting Elder Scrolls Online: Elsweyr, Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers, and World of Warcraft: Classic.
Perfect matching for the xbox one X
i still hope for more "molten" products.I had bought naga molten hoping there would be more products alike.
I can't find mercury razer phone.
Oh god I have been waiting for this for so long, finally peripherals that go along with my black and (mostly) white setup
Wow, that's a lot of "mercury". It will definitely look super cool with the Green or Blue color led setting.
Looks so clean, but i still prefer good 'ol classic black.
Quote:"Razer.WolfPack, publicação: 491040, membro: 310766"]
Descubra a nova coleção expandida da Mercury aqui:
mto lindo
Would look amazing in a white based builds
Perfect look, but also harder to keep it clean
Perfect look, but also harder to keep it clean 😜
Only downside that's true, but it's worth it for the looks
It would definitely match my NZXT case
I really like the couler the all white is so clean
I wonder if they would look that good when gaming in middle of the night with no lights, just the chroma.