The damned GDP of CHINA (it’s an OBSCENE total lol) is CHEAPER than these EXTREMELY OVERPRICED peripherals. Then factor in that MOST of the hardware has many, many issues that they seem to not care about fixing as much as releasing new software versions and the SAME bugs STILL EXIST. My issue specififcally right now is the NumPad on the right of my Cynosa Lite DOES NOT WORK PERIOD!!!!!!! Not to mention ANOTHER Razer affiliated company (Govee) advertised lights that are SUPPOSED to be WiFi & BT enabled and supported as well as interfacing with Synapse… They misrepresented the item as it DOES NOT support WiFi at all so buying them specifically for the features advertised was a total waste….
I mean Ive found threads that are FIVE YEARS OLD & the SAME ISSUE still exists. Get with the f**Kin program already…..