Cortex swallowing CTRL+SHIFT+F by default | Razer Insider
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Hey guys, I use my Razer laptop for both gaming and software development. CTRL+SHIFT+F is a very common hotkey used in developer IDEs, and it recently stopped working. I discovered that the culprit was Razer Cortex, which by default, is silently swallowing this key combination while running in the background with no games running. This is pretty terrible and should be fixed to either a) not hook into key combinations while no game is running or b) be an opt-in hotkey (instead of running by default).

There might be other key combinations Cortex is swallowing but I didn't bother to check, rather I have uninstalled it for now. I think Cortex is a nice piece of software so I hope this gets fixed soon, but for now I cannot risk running it while it is so opinionated in hooking things I didn't ask it to. Gotta code, gotta pay the bills.
is swallowing b

Hi VicRyder,

I think you're able to change them to another key to avoid them not working with as the IDE shortcuts.