[PAID TO PLAY - MOBILE] Vote For Your Favorite Game in November | Razer Insider
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Hey Insiders,

The games you selected can now be enjoyed on the go with Razer Cortex Mobile.

The votes for the next Paid-to-Play games are now open! Featuring awesome games from various publishers, from indie to popular titles. Go ahead and pick your desired Game of The Month. The two games with the highest votes by end October will be featured in November.

If you don’t see your favorite games, leave their titles in the comments section and we'll be sure to consider them for next month’s GOTM!

Your voice matters.
more zSilvers per daily, here we go!!.

Thank you R A Z E R Gold team!!
human fall flat looks fun!
1313 Felosa Drive

Abilene, TX 79602
Don't mind me just fanboying for PUBG.
as long as its free 😛 last day on earth..maybe?
Pubg Mobile
dragon balls
Hi Friends,


- Dragon Ball Legends
Human fall flat and Dragon Ballz!
As long as the games is free-to-download
Free 2 play for free zSilver
DBZ, the other doesnt matter :))
DB legends and motorsport manager
Free to Play
Vote for Kakarotto 😉
Need a free game to gain reward man
Please guys, vote for free games. If not the silver program loses what made it affordable and equal for each and every one.

Hey Insiders,

The games you selected can now be enjoyed on the go with Razer Cortex Mobile.

The votes for the next Paid-to-Play games are now open! Featuring awesome games from various publishers, from indie to popular titles. Go ahead and pick your desired Game of The Month. The two games with the highest votes by end October will be featured in November.

If you don’t see your favorite games, leave their titles in the comments section and we'll be sure to consider them for next month’s GOTM!

Your voice matters.

gracias razers insiders
Please guys, vote for free games. If not the silver program loses what made it affordable and equal for each and every one.

Definitely agree with this. But I have no idea why players who already have a paid game would have any incentive to download new games when they can earn silver with the games they already have bought.

I always vote for free-to-play games but they sadly never make a cut.

Voted for Dragon Ball Legends and Last Day on earth, because they seem to be free 🙂
For sure:

- Motorsports Manager

- Dragon Ball Legends
I really hate when I need to paid to download
PUBG and DBZ Legacy for me!
I think we can pretty much see who's going to win.

Hahah, the usual suspect!