Paid to Play - Post Relaunch | Razer Insider

Paid to Play - Post Relaunch

  • 19 December 2018
  • 59 replies

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59 Replies

Userlevel 7
We might do that in the future.

A bit offtopic, but are there any plans to bring RazerPay to Europe?
Userlevel 7
Would love to see RazerPay rewarding zSilver for every $x spent.

We might do that in the future.
Userlevel 7
There's actually a small part of me that wants to complain about the smaller Silver daily cap since the larger daily cap was the reason why I played, enjoyed, and pwned other players in a game for a long time but of course I'm grateful for Paid to Play's return. But no matter what, ever since the shutdown of the program before, I'm mad at those who complained about it since the start and I don't get the point of their way of thinking.
If I may ask, what exactly are they complaining about?
Would love to see RazerPay rewarding zSilver for every $x spent.
Userlevel 7
It's a great program and a lot of hard work has gone into it, but people love to complain more than anything else. If you gave everyone a Razer Stealth there would be people that are mad it wasn't a Pro. For some reason they can't handle just not using a part of the program that they don't like. It's sad. Hopefully it doesn't get shut down again, but it's completely understandable if it does, and thanks for at least trying it unlike all the other companies.

It's nicely balanced now too, all the free ways should receive smaller amounts of Silver like they are. (Mogul is nice since you can get a ton, but it's rare) Although I'd like to see the Gold spent/Silver received ratio back to where it was before or higher.:smile_:
Why not both?
Yes you can get zsilver from owning Razer hardware look at Rewards tab above, register your hardware and ask staff or moderator per PM on items that has no serials number, I believe it’s by providing them the picture. And thanks for reminding me I almost forget I’m qualified for some already;)

AH .. i see .
i thought other loyalty point ..
thx for info ...
Userlevel 7
do we got loyalty point from buying stuff ??

Yes you can get zsilver from owning Razer hardware look at Rewards tab above, register your hardware and ask staff or moderator per PM on items that has no serials number, I believe it’s by providing them the picture. And thanks for reminding me I almost forget I’m qualified for some already;)
I love P2P keep it coming mltan.
I don't know why people compline about getting free stuff !
Yes we have to pay delivery but its still gives us pore people like me and so many other millions of people like me around the world a chance to get something even if just a game or a cool hat !
Mltan please find it in your hart to listen to all the people that are saying good things about P2P ! I love that much I have already got the next P2P game downloaded and ready to go !
Bring on the 100 Zsilvers a day YES I will be saving for that cool razer hat I would love to ware on my live stream !
The majority of people that are complaining already have money or are just spoiled and greedy and want more n more in life and are never happy ! They wreck every thing for the rest of every one !
There is always going to be people in life that will complain everything in life !
Some would complain if they won a million dollars ! and had to walk a block to pick it up !
(If you let them get there way with getting rid of P2P again then the complainers have one again !).
Buy stuff and get loyalty points = Complaint?
P2P Free loyalty points = Complaint?
What's going on with these people that still complains?! I just couldn't understand. :mad_::mad_:

do we got loyalty point from buying stuff ??
and I'm wondering why are you still in here, your hatred toward razer is beyond reason... you have the right to choose, if it's not good for you then don't bother using any razer software or their product... it's simple like that...
and just like p2p, for you this is just for earning zsilver and miss the point of the program... but yeah do whatever you want mate....

i'll never understand arguments like this. do you accept whatever someone tells you on face value? do you never question anything? perhaps you're from some sort of authoritarian country and it's become habitual pattern of behavior for you? i'm here because i care. i used to be a big fan of razer. someone gave me a mouse/kb as a gift and i ended up buying all types of other junk from them (panthera stick, firefly, kraken). but the direction they've been going is just dismal. it's disappointing to see. they can do better, they just don't want to. when it's time to replace my gear i'll be looking to corsair, their software is much better and they don't pull this type of BS
yes i do. you think razer is your friend? they're a corporation that cares about profits. they want you to waste your electricity to mine fake coins for fake proprietary points so you can buy plastic crap. the synapse software is bloated and poorly coded, the cortex software is a complete mess (i already explained the problem above), the miner software is a total scam. they're expecting children to waste their electricity/hardware, run up their parent's power bill for some fake points.

if you can't do something right, just don't do it at all. if you want to see some good rewards programs, take a look at dell/alienware or microsoft points. those are done right.

think about this.. why did they cancel P2P in the first place? you really think it's because of negative feedback? every company in the world gets criticism, most can handle it. then they bring it back? at only 100 points (really 50 after this week) that'll expire in a year anyway? it's all lies

and I'm wondering why are you still in here, your hatred toward razer is beyond reason... you have the right to choose, if it's not good for you then don't bother using any razer software or their product... it's simple like that...
and just like p2p, for you this is just for earning zsilver and miss the point of the program... but yeah do whatever you want mate....
Been seeing a ton of positive feedback and loads of complaints on Paid to Play.

I realize a lot of the complaints come from demands that we should raise the cap. In short we won't be raising the cap on P2P though we may add new ways of earning Razer Silver.

With that in mind, i doubt we will stop hearing the complaints - what do you guys think? Should we shut down all the free ways of earning Razer Silver and just go back to the standard - buy stuff and get loyalty points (like every other company) or should we continue to find free ways to give loyalty points (and get a ton of complaints?)

What do you guys think?

really like how razer is treating their fans, I don't have any complaints for the system, but for those that are looking to abuse the system, just might do. In my opinion, in order to minimize the number of these abuser would be by placing some kind of screening system to determine which account are eligible for the paid to play and which are not. Like detecting a non-razer fans through their registered peripheral on synapse. Hope you finds this useful, thank you very much.
As for the data collection by Razer, you agree to these Terms of Service (“Terms”) when you register to Razer software/services.
Refer to for more details.

In order to disable the Razer Cortex that messed up with all your software, you may click on
Game Booster > Boost.
At this part, you can either disable the auto boost if you feel that cortex set low priority to all your software OR you may untick certain processes you may not want Cortex to disable when it's in Auto Boost mode.

thanks, i must have missed that setting.. i guess it was different in the previous version. now if they could only fix the spyware-like respawn behavior that would be great
Userlevel 7
honestly for 100 points a day it's not even worth it. They'll expire before you can use them anyway so it's basically just free data collection for razer. Also, closing Cortex is such a pain.. you try to close it from system tray and there are still 4 different razer services running in task manager. you close one and it opens back up. you close two and they pop back up. you have to close all of them in 5 seconds in order for cortex to stay closed.. ridiculous. it's basically spyware-like behavior. why can't the software just close when the user exits the software?

Also when cortex is running it appears to set lower priority to all my other software and makes My high end computer crawl. How can I disable cortex messing with all my software?

As for the data collection by Razer, you agree to these Terms of Service (“Terms”) when you register to Razer software/services.
Refer to for more details.

In order to disable the Razer Cortex that messed up with all your software, you may click on
Game Booster > Boost.
At this part, you can either disable the auto boost if you feel that cortex set low priority to all your software OR you may untick certain processes you may not want Cortex to disable when it's in Auto Boost mode.
Been seeing a ton of positive feedback and loads of complaints on Paid to Play.

I realize a lot of the complaints come from demands that we should raise the cap. In short we won't be raising the cap on P2P though we may add new ways of earning Razer Silver.

With that in mind, i doubt we will stop hearing the complaints - what do you guys think? Should we shut down all the free ways of earning Razer Silver and just go back to the standard - buy stuff and get loyalty points (like every other company) or should we continue to find free ways to give loyalty points (and get a ton of complaints?)

What do you guys think?

Now, I actually pretty dont care about this free ways ,,How to earn Silvers for free´´ cause its pretty low (only for ppl from Asia is good cause - Mogul arena).
Problem is with Razer Gold
1. After update you reduced the rate at which you earn Silver by 50% (btw. now in some some countries Paypal isn't an option for top-up Razer golds)
2. In Razer gold catalog almost all GOOD games are only for SEA region (E.g. Blizzard games).
So now for ppl from US or EU you must have really big luck on ,,Mogul esports elite´´ or you never really enjoy this Razer gold - silver system.
will you be satisfied if it's improved??? look at synapse 3, it supposed to be software improvement from synapse 2 right, but what happen now, it's even more disappointing for certain people... for now yes it's all or nothing situation until razer come up with something new... you said min can do whatever he wants yet you still complaint the software that he made... and yeah so what if I became razer spoke person, you have problem with that??

yes i do. you think razer is your friend? they're a corporation that cares about profits. they want you to waste your electricity to mine fake coins for fake proprietary points so you can buy plastic crap. the synapse software is bloated and poorly coded, the cortex software is a complete mess (i already explained the problem above), the miner software is a total scam. they're expecting children to waste their electricity/hardware, run up their parent's power bill for some fake points.

if you can't do something right, just don't do it at all. if you want to see some good rewards programs, take a look at dell/alienware or microsoft points. those are done right.

think about this.. why did they cancel P2P in the first place? you really think it's because of negative feedback? every company in the world gets criticism, most can handle it. then they bring it back? at only 100 points (really 50 after this week) that'll expire in a year anyway? it's all lies
or we can improve the software? does it have to be an all-or-nothing situation or are you just buying into corporate speak? min can do whatever he wants

will you be satisfied if it's improved??? look at synapse 3, it supposed to be software improvement from synapse 2 right, but what happen now, it's even more disappointing for certain people... for now yes it's all or nothing situation until razer come up with something new... you said min can do whatever he wants yet you still complaint the software that he made... and yeah so what if I became razer spoke person, you have problem with that??
this is the type of complaint that probably min said, if you think razer software is not worth it then uninstall it... done... no more problem...

or we can improve the software? does it have to be an all-or-nothing situation or are you just buying into corporate speak? min can do whatever he wants
honestly for 100 points a day it's not even worth it. They'll expire before you can use them anyway so it's basically just free data collection for razer. Also, closing Cortex is such a pain.. you try to close it from system tray and there are still 4 different razer services running in task manager. you close one and it opens back up. you close two and they pop back up. you have to close all of them in 5 seconds in order for cortex to stay closed.. ridiculous. it's basically spyware-like behavior. why can't the software just close when the user exits the software?

Also when cortex is running it appears to set lower priority to all my other software and makes My high end computer crawl. How can I disable cortex messing with all my software?

this is the type of complaint that probably min said, if you think razer software is not worth it then uninstall it... done... no more problem...
Userlevel 7
Badge +1
Yes we are considering it and going back to the standard way of just rewarding our customers when they purchase products (like every other company out there). I realize that when there are free ways, it creates a lot of complaints.

The standard way? You mean, we buy products, then register the serial number of the products to our accounts, and we get some loyality points?
honestly for 100 points a day it's not even worth it. They'll expire before you can use them anyway so it's basically just free data collection for razer. Also, closing Cortex is such a pain.. you try to close it from system tray and there are still 4 different razer services running in task manager. you close one and it opens back up. you close two and they pop back up. you have to close all of them in 5 seconds in order for cortex to stay closed.. ridiculous. it's basically spyware-like behavior. why can't the software just close when the user exits the software?

Also when cortex is running it appears to set lower priority to all my other software and makes My high end computer crawl. How can I disable cortex messing with all my software?
Userlevel 7
We've got to the point where p2p silvers doesn't really make any difference, but people however still crave for more from it. Personally i think it's somehow good how it looks right now, there are other current ways of earning which most people base on. P2p is just like fun right now, for good ol'times it is, like "hmm besides voting on Mogul, and getting my achievements on Insider i have to get the 100 silvers from Cortex". The bad thing is that people actually see or want to see p2p as the main way of earning and they're upset because they can't. Anyway, those who want to farm and are loyal to the cult, will carry on with very very minor complaints if there is to be.
Just my two cents, I doubt most people will ever clock enough purchases to rack up sufficient zSilver to redeem gears. When someone purchases a set of razer peripherals, they likely aren't gonna purchase any gear as replacement until the existing set break downs (which is like in the next 2 years maybe?)

Right now there's Synapse and Cortex, if they can be combined onto the same platform/program, and only enable users of Razer gear (via Synapse capabilities) to clock zSilver via games, I'd reckon the complaints would drop significantly since I guess the complaints generally come from people who are only trying to farm free stuff.

That way it kinda serves your purpose to develop a more dedicated loyalty program, no?

Maybe the more razer gear you have, the higher your cap?
And just out of context. Hi Min, was present at your speech at SIA on disruption some time back. Dead crowd I must say, but your speech was nonetheless entertaining and inspiring. A little late, but, better late than never