Hey Insiders,
Paid to Play on mobile had a great start with two mobile games to score Razer Silver on the go, daily — https://www.razer.com/paid-to-play-mobile
When the new year begins, we will be bringing you two new sets of Paid to Play featured mobile games every week! For December 2018, we launched Paid to Play on the Razer Cortex Android app with PUBG, Rival: Crimson x Chaos, Armajet, and Vainglory.
Help us choose the next Paid to Play mobile games you want to see featured next month. Two titles with the most votes will be featured in February!
- Shadowgun Legends
- Hungry Dragons
- Real Racing 3
- Injustice 2
- Marvel: Stikeforce
- Southpark: Phone Destroyer
Then check out the Razer Cortex mobile app to see who gets picked! We’ll have new special Paid to Play events to help you get closer to the Razer Silver rewards you want. So keep an eye out in the mobile app for 2X multiplier days and other cool specials. — https://www.razer.com/paid-to-play-mobile