The most recent update to Razer Cortex has caused my frame rate in Kena Bridge of Souls to tank to single digit levels. It does not seem to be affecting any other game that I play (for example Mechwarrior 5 still has the normal high frame rate). But there is a very definite correlation between Cortex Boost and Kena. When I turn off Boost the frame rate is normal, when I turn it on it takes 2 minutes just to start the game, and I estimate the frame rate to be about 1-5 fps when I normally clear 60+ easily.
I am running an i7-12700KF, 32GB RAM, Windows 11, and an NVIDIA RTX 3080 with the latest drivers (as of 10/31/23)
Boost has the following settings: Enable CPU Core, Disable CPU sleep mode, Enable game power solutions, clear clipboard, clean RAM, Windows Key, Sticky Keys, Disable Cortana, Disable background apps, disable telemetry, disable report problem.
I have a work around by disabling boost, but it is very irritating and took me 3 days to figure out that it was your product that was causing the problem. Please have your people look into this as I do like the functionality that Cortex Boost supplies. Thank you.