A friend is having difficulties with "location field" in razer streamer sign up page | Razer Insider
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Hello, My name Is Plinio, I am a Newbie here and I am still learning how to use the forum,

Meanwhile... a friend is trying to sign up for the razer streamer forums etc, but she is not capable of finding Brazil in the location field,

Is Brazil taken out from the razer afiliate inclusion?

I hope I am not breaking any rules asking about this.

THank you for this awesome forum, I am reading to be able to participate and tag along with you guys

Yours Truly

Plinio Terraphox
It may be due to local and government regulations and restrictions of your location which is why it is not in the options. If you want more information, you can contact [email]streamer.support@razer.com[/email] since I only have limited visibility over this matter. If you have other concerns, you can send me a PM.