Audio Issues Razer Blade 15 | Razer Insider
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Hi, I recently purchased the Razer Blade 15 and after around 2 months I've found these audio issues (with headphones) where everything sounds very muffled and further away. When I press the plug of the headphones down everything sounds normal again.

I have no idea what it could be, I've tried re-installing drivers and trying multiple headphones and the issue persists.

Does anyone how I could fix this?
Hey @Robo109, please test the headphones on your smartphone and if possible use another headset to check if the audio port of the laptop is the issue. Send me your results via PM and let's pick it up from there.
Hey @Robo109, please test the headphones on your smartphone and if possible use another headset to check if the audio port of the laptop is the issue. Send me your results via PM and let's pick it up from there.


I've tested the headphones on multiple devices and had them sent back to HyperX who tested them.

I have used other headphones and had the same issue arises.
You mean, all the other headphones you plug into the audio port of your RB15 exhibit the same audio quality issues? If so, this could be a hardware issue. Can I have the serial number of your RB15?