Help Upgrading RAM Blade 15 Advanced Late 2019 | Razer Insider

Help Upgrading RAM Blade 15 Advanced Late 2019

  • 10 October 2022
  • 2 replies

I have been trying to upgrade my RAM for my Razer Blade 15 Advanced Late 2019 RZ09-0301x (original RAM 16GB 2666MHz, GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q), but every RAM kit I purchase seems to present memory errors while running Memtest86 from USB. First it was with a Crucial kit of 2x32GB at 3200MHz (1.2V), which caused multiple BSoD and even froze Memtest86 after several errors. I thought it might be that this RB was incompatible with 3200Mhz even though it said it was in it's FAQ, so then I purchased a G.Skill RipJaws 2x16GB at 2666MHz (1.2V), and again, Memtest86 failed showing +300 memory errors. I first thought that both kits are faulty, but now I'm starting to wonder if this is some sort of compatibility issue, or something I should be looking at the BIOS (although I can't find any single option related to RAM settings or XMPs in my BIOS).

Do you guys have any suggestions or thoughts on this? Has anyone succeded upgrading his RAM in the same model? Are there any known name brands I should be looking at for my RB compatibility-wise? Any help is much appretiated.

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2 Replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +1
I'd choose something from Crucial - never had any problem with them in any laptop.
Contact their Support - they'll help you with selecting correct memory.
Thanks FiszPL. I appretiate your advice and will look into this.
Nevertheless, I would like to know of anyone who had the actual experience with my model and managed to upgrade successfully?