High pitched noise on Blackwidow Chroma V2 | Razer Insider
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as you can see I am experiencing a high pitched noise on my Blackwidow Chroma V2. This is somehow connected to the lighting because if I turn off all LEDs everything is fine. The moment I turn on any RGB effect in Chroma Studio I can hear this really annoying sound (like I would imagine a defect coil would sound like... not an expert on this, though). Depending on the effect it sometimes is rather quiet (can only hear it when I'm close to the keyboard) and sometimes rather loud (noticeable when sitting straight in front of my monitor). The sound seems to come from the right side of the keyboard (close to the numpad keys). When I connect my Kraken 7.1 V2 and the Blackwidow to the same USB hub I even hear a similar sound coming directly from my headphone speakers(?!).

I found a similar case on reddit from two years ago:


But here the problem wasn't solved. What I tried is:

-try a different USB-port

-try a different device

...same problem.

Does anyone have a solution to this or experienced the same problem. Would be glad about any help.

P.S.: this is a used keyboard so there is probably no warranty left.

