MacOS Big Sur & Racer Synapse | Razer Insider
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Well. Finally macOS Big Sur has been released.

We (and Racer too) have been advised every day Razer Synapse 2 will do not work under this operating system. I really was waiting from Razer a new release of his drivers before the MacOS was going to be released, but seems you've forgot about Mac users.

Seems I'll have to change my mouse for other brand that will consider there are more than just PCs.

Why have you forget about Mac users?, you launch Razer Synapse 3 a really long time ago. What about a Mac version of it?.... no, no, you believe only PC users are using your products.

I'm frustrated about this.
Hey mate,

Same here, updated to Big Sur today, after that razer synapse 2 won't show any device connected, not able to do anything and after all, all my preferences were reset, so lights and macro are default now.

Really frustrating i agree...
Only Trinity built-in profile (without colors) still works. But these colors get me crazy (
We have not forgotten our comrades on macOS, but at the same time, our resources are limited. We have chosen to put everything in one basket this time around, so we can give more people a better experience. This is why we are focusing all our efforts on Synapse 3 for the Windows platform moving forward.

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