I was given a nice Mamba 16000 , in his box, does not seem to be worn or to serve a lot.
But, it seem to have an erratic functionning : once the vertical recognition is unresponsive, once the horizontal is.
I tried on different supports, blank sheet , mouse pad, tissue, and with different dpi paramters.
Some one told me the "laser cell" could be shot (indeed if the model is dating 2013 for instance it can be a tad old, but I dont' know the age, just that visibly it was not much used.)
I am ready to dismantle, have shoots of compressed air, and eventually put the mouse in an ultrasonic bath with a product cleaner for circuit boards then dry it with hot air and 99.9% isopropyl alcohol. I have done this on cell phones that did go into water, and it can clean well .
But : is there a classic fault dut to dust for instance ?
If the laser is HS can I buy that part ?
Could those type of faults be due to a slow USB2 port ? (on an old tower HP ELite in that case )
Thank you in advance for your ideas (and excuse my simplified English !)
Have a nice wekkend