I have had this Razer headset now for several years and its worked just fine until I got my sone to do a new Razer machine for me and now I cannot get my mic to work. I’ve been reading all the comments on line and I seems pretty disappointing for all of the problems people have been having for your products. the only thing I don’t have from you is my Screen. I was thinking about buying a new one but if you could help me figure out why its not working when I play my games I’d appreciate it. I have like I said bought 5 products from your company. 2 towers, a mother board a mouse and a headset. If you would call me or do what ever you need to do I’d appreciate it. My name is Teri Gomm, teri.gomm@gmail.com. Phone number is 801-643-5192.
Thank you
Teri Gomm