Naga Trinity Scroll Wheel makes empty turns. | Razer Insider
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Naga Trinity Scroll Wheel makes empty turns.

  • 2 February 2019
  • 0 replies


My question is: how to set the mouse to avoid skipping elements or lines? When you turn the wheel down or up, every few turns it skips one "stage". I'm referring to the physical feedback when you scroll as a stage.

For example: you scroll a web page 4 times with the wheel and it's fine but the fifth time you turn it - nothing happens!

It's the same in games: in Minecraft when I scroll the slots, every 5th or 6th turn (depending on the speed you've set up in settings) IS EMPTY! Changing weapons in other games is unreliable - you have to constantly look to see if you've scrolled to the right one, or you have to scroll one more time because the last turn did nothing.

I tried different "lines at a time" in windows mouse settings but it didn't change that behavior.

It's very annoying and it can break your experience in games, browsing, and software!

Any help will be appreciated.

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