Need to unplug and replug my dongle when starting windows for Barracuda X to connect | Razer Insider
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Need to unplug and replug my dongle when starting windows for Barracuda X to connect

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72 Replies

bestdomeNapierGreen934 wrote:

Friends, I think I've found a solution, at least for myself! Before that, I reconnected the dongle to the headphones using the utility*19tqqem*_ga_3TRK53PM75*MTcwMzY3MjYwOS4xLjAuMTcwMzY3MjYyMC40OS4wLjA.

In my case, using a standard extension cord/adapter connected to the USB 2.0 port on my motherboard (on the back of the system unit) helped, I'm not 100% sure yet, but the problem has not yet manifested itself, even after restarting the PC everything immediately worked fine.


Unfortunately, today the problem returned for the first time: the headphones went to sleep and after waking up they could not connect to the dongle. I had to disconnect/connect the dongle.


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  • February 4, 2024

i got it fixed on my Barracuda X 2022 model!!
i followed several solutions on this thread and got it to work.

I updated to latest firmware the day i got the headset. at the time i didn’t notice this issue as I rarely restart my PC.

after doing some random updates on my pc i needed to restart my pc a lot and noticed this annoying issue of not detecting the dongle after restart.
plugging and re-plugging fixed it but that was annoying obviously so i looked I asked chat gpt and it suggested that i uncheck the option on device manager > universal serial Bus controllers > USB root hub (USB 3.0) > (allow the computer to turn off this device to save power)

1- after unchecking it didn’t fix

then i did google search and came to this thread and found several solutions and decided to try them all.

2- How to use the Razer Headset Pairing Utility
this didn’t fix it.

3- 3rd try is the charm. I tried the solution proposed by Spacey4K

Try uninstalling headset drivers.

  1. Press Windows key + S on the keyboard to open the Search bar.
  2. Type in “Device Manager" and hit enter
  3. Go to “Audio inputs and outputs".
  4. Right-click on the Razer headset and select “Uninstall device".
  5. Restart the computer to completely uninstall the drivers. The drivers are automatically installed on the computer after a restart.

note i uninstalled both “speakers (razer barracuda x 2.4)” and “Microphone (razer barracuda x 2.4)” 

after restart it started working without having to unplug replug the dongle.

I do not know exactly which solution really made it work but i’m pretty sure it was the last solution by Spacey4K that worked if not a combination of all these solutions.

I tried several restarts/shutdown and the headset is still working like a charm. thanks razer for this awesome product.

for the record im using the dongle directly to usb-c port without extension on the mobo gigabyte B550i Aourus Pro AX

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  • February 9, 2024

had the same issue with the new Barracuda and Barracuda 2022 as well. I tried everything above, nothing helped. What I noted is that if I plug the adapter to the case, it works after restart. If I plug it back to the USB A-C extender it does not work again. So I replugged it to the yellow USB slot in the motherboard and it seems to be working.
Could someone test this please if it helps?

Note: I have “USB Power delivery in Soft Off State (S5)” on disabled in BIOS.

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  • February 9, 2024

Hello everyone, I also had the same issue. Also tried everything above and nothing worked for me, BUT today what @NotSoad mentioned worked. Unlike him tho i don’t have a yellow usb port on my pc itself but i do have that on my Monitors built in USB hub, and connecting to this with the usb-a to usb-c adapter worked. If anyone is wondering there is no noticeable additional audio latency or worse audio quality i could notice.

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  • February 9, 2024

@bestdomeNapierGreen934 @kevinbracke 
Could you please try the method I mentioned 2 posts above? I wonder if it works for you too. :))

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  • February 20, 2024
Hansbert123 wrote:

Hey, I think I found a fix/workaround. It's not optimal but so far it works for me after firmware, pairing utility and other fixes described here didn't work (although you should still update firmware and use pairing utility). The way I fixed it is by completely cutting power supply to my USB ports when shutting down the PC (S5 state). This is accomplished through enabling ErP in your motherboard (under aps settings in asus motherboards) and disabling fast startup option in windows. I think this way the dongle loses power on shutdown and is properly initialized on startup. Of course this has certain (acceptable imo) drawbacks, such as not being able to charge USB devices on your ports when the system is shutdown and allegedly (did not notice this) a bit slower startup. You will save some power though as the ErP standard specifies less than 1 W power draw and distracting RGB will be turned off. Let me know if this works and maybe specific steps for other motherboards.

This is the only solution that worked for me. ErP OFF and Fastboot Disabled.

The problem is the dongle is not able to awaken after a restart or a period of inactivity. Seems cutting off power to the USB forces it to shut off and turn back on.

Will post an update if the issue returns. Thank you for helping me not regret this purchase!

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  • February 25, 2024

I’ve TRIED all the suggested things in here.  Still having the same problem..  This is horrible.. And there’s no razer support for this at all… can’t believe this is on-going and there’s no solution.  Tried with different usb ports, tried with adapter, tried the fix it tools (can’t get past step 1, connect usb-c to computer - it won’t even detect it), tried the eRP off…………….. seriously how do you sell a 100 dollar item with a reputable name and still not have a team on this..

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  • April 18, 2024

I’ve tried everything suggested, nothing is working for me. Has anybody found a legit solution for this yet? This is extremely frustrating!


I resolve this issue on my end by doing these steps:

  1. Pair your device using the Pair Utility
  2. Update the device firmware
  3. Plug in the dongle using the USB Type-C to Type-A cable that was provided with the headset,
  4. Connect the cable to your USB port (***Very Important. Make sure to connect it on a 2.0 USB port)
  5. Change your USB power plan by following this tutorial


Hope this helps. Cheers!

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  • May 10, 2024
JuneBudevercar770 wrote:

I resolve this issue on my end by doing these steps:

  1. Pair your device using the Pair Utility
  2. Update the device firmware
  3. Plug in the dongle using the USB Type-C to Type-A cable that was provided with the headset,
  4. Connect the cable to your USB port (***Very Important. Make sure to connect it on a 2.0 USB port)
  5. Change your USB power plan by following this tutorial


Hope this helps. Cheers!

It seems to be fixed for me using those steps, but I needed to change one thing: for me, it doesn’t work if I stick the USB adapter into a USB 2.0 port, but only into a USB 3.0 port (the one with the blue pin). So, try to put the adapter into a USB 3.0 port! Hope it helps!


Hey, guys!

Just an update, I had the same issue and although I tried all the ways discribed here, none did actually work.
Eventually, I did solve the issue, here is my story.

So I mainly followed these steps that were given by 

JuneBudevercar770 wrote:

I resolve this issue on my end by doing these steps:

  1. Pair your device using the Pair Utility
  2. Update the device firmware
  3. Plug in the dongle using the USB Type-C to Type-A cable that was provided with the headset,
  4. Connect the cable to your USB port (***Very Important. Make sure to connect it on a 2.0 USB port)
  5. Change your USB power plan by following this tutorial


Hope this helps. Cheers!

Although following them directly didn’t work, I had some minor differences.

1. I plugged in the USB dongle directly into a USB-C slot on my motherboard (it was connected and working fine as it did before (except for that dongle requiring reconnection issue)).
2. I have updated the headset Firmware to v1.7.0 using Firmware Update tool (for my Barracuda X 2022).
3. Changed my USB power plan by following this tutorial
4. Used Razer Pair Utility to make sure I am doing everything right.
ATTENTION: during pairing using the utility something strange was happening, I was following the instructions on the screen precisely, but instead of pairing the headset with the PC, it seemed to be dis-pairing it. Meaning, whenever the process was complete, my headset would start blinking blue (which meant it was not paired). That was weird, but I decided to ignore it for now...
5. I switched off the headset.
6. I switched off the PC, disconnected the power plug from the PSU (toggeled the power on my PSU) and held the PC power button for like 30 seconds (this is a known way to debug some shit on PC sometimes).
7. I connected the power plug back to my PC.
8. I switched on the PC and gave it some time to properly power up.
9. Enabled my headset (via headset power on button, I did not use pair utility anymore or whatever) and IT FINALLY PAIRED automatically without needing the dongle to be manually reconnected to PC.

I switched my PC off and on once again to make sure that pairing is working fine again without dongle reconnection, and it did.

If this doesn’t solve your issue just make sure you are following every step as it seems they are all crucial somehow.

Hope this helps you guys!


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  • May 22, 2024

I’ve been struggling with the same issue for a couple of days: replugging the dongle after each restart and on top of that the headset itself would randomly turn off if I stop listening to any sounds for a second.

I’ve updated the firmware, used pairing device and re-installed the drivers, changed the power settings that I could, but it didn’t help. But then on a thread regarding random shutdowns I’ve read that the surround sound app might be causing that.

So I deleted the surround sound app and it started pairing automatically and stopped randomly shutting down.

Hope that It will help someone going through the same issues!

Hansbert123 wrote:

Hey, I think I found a fix/workaround. It's not optimal but so far it works for me after firmware, pairing utility and other fixes described here didn't work (although you should still update firmware and use pairing utility). The way I fixed it is by completely cutting power supply to my USB ports when shutting down the PC (S5 state). This is accomplished through enabling ErP in your motherboard (under aps settings in asus motherboards) and disabling fast startup option in windows. I think this way the dongle loses power on shutdown and is properly initialized on startup. Of course this has certain (acceptable imo) drawbacks, such as not being able to charge USB devices on your ports when the system is shutdown and allegedly (did not notice this) a bit slower startup. You will save some power though as the ErP standard specifies less than 1 W power draw and distracting RGB will be turned off. Let me know if this works and maybe specific steps for other motherboards.

I tried everything, but this is the only thing that worked for me.  Here is a video that details how to enable ErP in Asus bios.



Here’s a temporary fix for that so you don’t have to replug your dongle, It’s annoying I know.

Make sure to turn on your Razer first before turning on your PC. This worked for me.

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  • June 29, 2024

Hi hope this tutorial will help to all your concerns,, The problem  is not your headset or dongle its on the usb settings of your PC or power management settings.

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  • July 29, 2024

Hey, actually turning off the USB ports when the PC is off solved the problem for me. 


Halo, just wanna share what I found for this problem. I have a Razer Barracuda X 2022 and same problem here with OP, need to replug and plug the dongle so my Razer would show up on my sound output.

What I did was turning on the deep sleep in acpi settings on BIOS, usually called s4 and s5. Note that it will disable capacity to charge through usb while the computer is off.

I often charge my cp and vape batteries through my PC so I don’t want turning this deep sleep on, so what I did was making sure to unplug my pc from the outlet or turning off my PSU switch after I shutdown my PC. Still works until now. Worth a try guys, try it :)

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  • September 6, 2024

Headphones not connecting even with the dongle plugged in I’m not sure why this worked, but I fixed it this way:

Turn off the PC, unplug the power supply(I hold the power button after that for a few secs), plug it back in and when I turn on the PC the problem is fixed. Not sure how this would work with a laptop, prob take out the battery for a few seconds, but yeah LOL


Bought my wife this headset for her birthday and this is *still* an issue. Why is it not possible for razer to release firmware which detects s3 sleep and cut power to the dongle?




just bought the barracuda x 2022 last 10/10/24. the dongle was working fine at first but after i tried the software update, i suddenly cant connect the headset via dongle. it seems that the problem  is with the dongle it self.


i tried all the suggested fixes here but nothing worked. what a pain in the ass :( 

After trying everything mentioned in this topic, it still didn’t work. After every boot I needed to unplug and replug the dongle. I finally decided to give up on the dongle and use my pc’s bluetooth connection. That solved the problem for me.

  • Insider Mini
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  • December 24, 2024

Any update on this, it’s really really annoying… 

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