Неправильный серийный номер для получения кода активации 7.1, на модели BLACKSHARK V2 | Wrong serial number for getting activation code 7.1, on BLACKSHARK V2 model | Razer Insider
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При покупке в упаковке не было специальной карточки где был бы написан код (как я прочитал в интернете), пытаюсь написать свой серийный номер продукта на 7.1 Surround Sound Code, а мне выдаёт это - Your Razer device is not eligible to receive a 7.1 Surround Sound activation code. Please refer to 7.1 Surround Sound System For Gaming Headset for eligible products. Модель продукта: BLACKSHARK V2 + USC (USB SOUND CARD). Потом я зарегистрировал в мои продукты, мне пришло письмо с содержание, что мой продукт был зарегистрирован и больше ничего.

When buying, there was no special card in the package where the code would be written (as I read on the Internet), I try to write my product serial number on 7.1 Surround Sound Code, but it gives me this - Your Razer device is not eligible to receive a 7.1 Surround Sound activation code. Please refer to 7.1 Surround Sound System For Gaming Headset for eligible products. Product model: BLACKSHARK V2 + USC (USB SOUND CARD). Then I registered in my products, I received an email with the content that my product was registered and nothing more.

Checked manual? :)

Blackshark V2 comes with THX Spatial Audio, and doesn’t need any activation. It’s available out-of-box through Synapse 3 software (in Audio->Mixer tab).
