New Razer Blackwidow v4 typing repeating issue | Razer Insider
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New Razer Blackwidow v4 typing repeating issue

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  • June 20, 2024

I have the same issue, the letter “e” and “s” repeat often.  It’s making typing a complete drag because I’m forever having to correct mistakes.  Worst keyboard I’ve had :(


Oddly, someetimeese instead of repeating the letter doesen’t register at all.  ← what things look like if I don’t correct them


I’m going to typee my reply heree without dleleting the duplicatee letters or adding the dropped llettrs just sso you can see how totally unacceptablee this keybboard is. OMG this iss ridiculous!!!!


This is my second Razer Black Widow v4 and after I write this message, I will take this keyboard out to my backyard and use it as targeet practicee. I willl neever buy from Razer again. Whaat utter trassh!


And noow for some backyard fun...

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  • July 2, 2024
easycafeMediumTaupe877 wrote:

I’m going to typee my reply heree without dleleting the duplicatee letters or adding the dropped llettrs just sso you can see how totally unacceptablee this keybboard is. OMG this iss ridiculous!!!!


This is my second Razer Black Widow v4 and after I write this message, I will take this keyboard out to my backyard and use it as targeet practicee. I willl neever buy from Razer again. Whaat utter trassh!


And noow for some backyard fun...

You said it perfectly.  I was living with that exact frustration.  Pure trash.  Post a video, I’d love to see it and vicariously live through you letting off some steam.


If you’re not already frustrated enough - trying jumping through hoops with their RMA process.  You’re monitor will be next.

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  • July 7, 2024
Razer.Zionzedd wrote:

Hi @ventureLavenderBlush830,


You can try the steps here for further isolation. Should the issue persists, please PM me the serial number so I can validate its model and check for other steps to help you address the input problem of your Razer Keyboard. 

Its an issue with every V4 PRO.

Same issue… total junk. First and last Razor anything I’ll be buying. Mine started with the volume switch turning up the sound to full, intermittently. Shut my PC down this morning to take my daughter to work, came home… can’t even sign in to my PC, all keys are repeating. Enough is enough… keyboard is going in the bin and I’ll never buy another. 

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  • July 9, 2024

This is happeniing to me on a brand new V4 with Orange switches.

Does it happen withh all switches? Does it happen to yellow and green?

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  • July 9, 2024

its so crazy that everyone has gotten a prodc thatt has the same issue and has occured within a couple of months after buuying i, where is the razer supports responses? None of the possible fixes here work permanenly, multiple people bought multiple keyboards, as have I and the issue persists. I really like the keyboard and have used razer for 8 years,(my razer chroma lasted 7), what is he response because is been 9 monhs of this hread and people are still buying broken keyboards


I hope yo enjoy he spelling misakes, his is what we have to deal witth on a daily basis, I want to snap his thing in half

So, I had this exact  same problem.   I  bought new switches and it fixed it, for a time.  But  the problem  has come back.  Im  typing this now on the new switches and its adding double spaces, sometimes triple spaces.   This is a huge  fail by razer and the fact that there is no official response after so many having this problem is eye opening.  There should be a  recall on this keyboard.  I am not happy with this product at all and will hesitate in the future to buy any razer products.

is there anyway we can  all get this on Marques Brownlee’s attention?  He seems to have a way with these tech companies and making him  aware of this  awful deployment and lack  of Razer acknowledging  this problem may be  our  only hope. 

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  • July 10, 2024

I’m glad I bought mine from Amazon. Always buy Razer from a place with a good return policy.

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  • July 13, 2024

I’m having some of the same issues tthe OP is having. a lot off my keyss are double or even ttriple triggeriing when ttyped. I’ve done everytthing I can think of to ffix this issue. I have a Razer Blacckwidow V4 %100. I’ve taken tthe keys offf and cleaned the board, unplugged/replugged itt back in, uninstalled/reinstalled synapse, checked for updates, increased/decreased the poll rate, ETC. And nothing is ffixing this issue. Ii’ve even made a postt and no one has even replied tto it, pproving to me thiss company doesn’t give a shitt!

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  • July 13, 2024

what am i gonna do now i bought this last december it’s double typing even after replacing switches

Was considering this keyboard  but seeing as this issue still hasn’t been resolved after one year  guess I will hold on my old BlackWidow Tournament X keyboard and revisit this topic in 3 months or so to see if a permanent fix has been provided.

I too am having this issue with none of the suggested remedies working mine used to be repeated keys but now specifically the three key is no longer working but occasionally.





(the two lines above were 5 second button presses) 


As I am typing this I am noticing my f and c keys repeating. 


Overall I'm a fan of razer products and have stood by using them. Ill see if a replacement has the same issue if that's the case ill have to swap my keyboard out for a different brand.

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  • August 6, 2024

Just started for me as well, kb is about a month old. 

Not looking forward to days of troubleshooting with support before they offer an RMA and I get another one that does it. 


I purchased two Raazer Blackwidow V4 Pros from BestBuy around October 2023. One for work and one for my home office, and it’ss been about 8 monthss and they’re both constantly double typing.

I’m just so sad. Spent almosst $500 on thesse keyboardss and this is happening. I really waanted to like them, and I really like the software but I jusst can’t use thiss. Typing in passwords is especially a pain. Changing the polling does not work. Slowing down windows repeat is aa annoying baandaid that doesn’t actually fix the issue. Reinstaalling synapse and the drivers does nothing..


I’m typing this on a V4 as you can ssee the a and s keys are screwed. 


The chatter keyboard software from softpedia mentioned in the other thread 100% fixed the issue. I have mine set to 125ms.

Here’s a screenshot from the chatter log that shows how screwed my keyboard is.



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  • August 17, 2024

I just received my second warranty replacement for the V4 pro (full sized) and this one has a critical key not working out of the box and after I've typed a bit I've already noticed more than one additional key that seems to skip input. the last one had several keys that failed all at the same time and my first one only had one. the warranty I'm waiting on a response before I send this one or my last one back...

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  • August 22, 2024

(Space issues below arent being correctedon purpose as an example)
I purchased a  Blackwidow V4 pro (full sized)  and i have issue  with the spacebar.
Sometimes  you get 2 spaces with  one press and sometime  you get  no space.
Ihave tried using different computerand changing all  kinds of settings.
Its a hardware issue.
I am surprisedthat  Razer  has not made a  recall to correct this
Razer Executives, please pull your head out  of your butt
This keyboard has been  out  for   awhile now and I am sure many people have compained.
I  have decided  to end my  long  term relationship with Razer  - I have spent thousands   over the years  and a $230 keyboard with  a  silly  spacebar issue that you refuse to fix  is the cause + your lack of giving a damn

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  • August 27, 2024

This problem is still getting worse. Spacebar is doubleclicking or not responding very often. I have tried everything including USB 3 ports and nothing works. Sometimes I have to press spacebar 7-8x to get response.

Now I will show you how it looks like when I will type the same thing again with my V4 PRO:

“Thisproblemisstill gettingworse.Spacebarisdoubleckicking ornotrespondingveryoften.IhavetriedeverythingincludingUSB3portsandnothingworks.Sometimes Ihavetopress spacebar7-8xto getresponse.”  (spacebar reacted only 3 times out of 34 times) - 125 POLLING RATE

And no, its not a hardware issue, but software issue. When I change the POLLING RATE from 125 to 8 000 in synapse, then spacebar is only sometimes double clicking, but always respond.

This is a serious problem and I am very disappointed with this very expensive keyboard. RAZER keyboard = never again!


I was having issues with the ‘N’ key repeating, or not working.

I tried the various software resolutions without success.

The fix for me was to use the switch remover to pull and re-seat the N key switch.

Pulled the CAP, pulled the switch, pulled the N swicth (didn’t need to pull all the way out, just jiggled a bit)

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  • September 9, 2024

I am on my 4th Blackwidow v4 pro. The firstone never had this issu (it had a different issue) the last 3 have all had this issue and it has beeeen different keys for each keyboard



After seeing all of the comments here and my problem returning after a couple of days (N key and the O key) .. I returned it.

I have replaced it with a Corasir K100. Very similar functionality .. let’s see if it lasts more than a couple months

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  • September 13, 2024
SpeakEasy55 wrote:

Today I swapped orange faulty switches with new AKKO blue cream ones. So far no issues detected.

It costed me ~ $25

They feel even better than oranges to me (also Tactile). Hope this helps someone as the keyboard itself is very good except switches.


did this fix the problem? i am going to do this myself if it did. just bought a new steelseries keyboard today and want to see if i can salvage my old one since i did love it before all my issues with it

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  • October 22, 2024

Really not encouraging to see how long this issue has been going on with no official response.  I’m having the same issue on two different computers and really reaching the end of my rope.  I’ve tried most of the fixes mentioned, Synapse reinstall, firmware updates, adjusting polling rate, etc.  Is the conclusion that switches need to be replaced or is it just faultty hardware?

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