Orochi v2 fails to fails to turn on 2.4GHz. | Razer Insider
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This hasn’t happened most of the days yet.

Six days after purchase, I pull the switch to 2.4GHz mode and the mouse doesn’t start up. I set it to off and then back to 2.4Ghz and still nothing. I connected the previous mouse I had to get it moving and next time the Orochi turns on.

Yesterday it happened again, it refused to turn on. I had to turn it off and on three times.

Today I had to do it three times. Before the third I checked the battery and removed it and put it back on and instead turn it on in 2.4GHz I went to BT and it switched on BT and then back to 2.4GHz and it worked.

The three times it has been after being off for the night. During lunch I put the PC to sleep and switch mouse off, but two hours later when I can go back to the PC after doing all I have to do, it has always, so far, turned on fine.

For now I’m waiting to see if it happens again. If it doesn’t, I’ll mark it as if I hadn’t placed the battery quite right and perhaps having some iffy contact. If it happens again I’ll put a different battery, in case the one that came with the mouse was somehow defective in a way to cause this issue. If that still doesn’t solve it, maybe I’ll try a AAA battery in case it’s the AA contacts of the mouse that aren’t quite right. Will update as the issue persists or doesn’t repeat for a week since last thing tried. But regardless posting it here in case it’s some kind of known issue I’ve kept failing to find in searches.

Update: The issue has not repeated since I reset the battery out and in. So it seems it was not well inserted and contact was a bit loose. Or perhaps had a speck of dust causing it to not be quite right.
