Power Fluctuations/FPS Drops | Razer Insider
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Power Fluctuations/FPS Drops

Typically my PC runs normally but as of two days ago, I’ve been having issues playing games, even in single player, due to huge FPS spikes. It was only until just recently that I found that it’s because my PC is fluctuating between charges. It’ll charge for a few second, stop, charge, stop. This causes the drop in FPS which makes everything unplayable. I’ve tried other outlets, I’ve tried positioning the cord, etc. Nothing seems to work and I’m not entirely sure it’s even the cord’s fault, because my computer at times would shut itself off when I played something too resource intensive, so I fear the battery might be the issue. Any recommendations?
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3 Replies

  • I am the Lightbringer
  • 4792 replies
  • June 29, 2020
Please indicate which of our laptops you're experiencing this with and which games are affected. I'd appreciate it if you can list down the in-game graphics settings of the games.

Please indicate which of our laptops you're experiencing this with and which games are affected. I'd appreciate it if you can list down the in-game graphics settings of the games.

Razer Blade Pro 2017 and the two games most noticeably affected by it are Naruto Ninja Storm 4 and Jump Force. They’ll be played in offline or Singleplayer and still experience huge spikes in FPS drops due to the laptop charging and un-charging

  • I am the Lightbringer
  • 4792 replies
  • June 30, 2020
You should try to recalibrate the battery. Uninstall the ACPI battery manager then run Windows Updater. After that, charge the laptop for at least 4 hours then completely drain it till it naturally shuts off before to top it up again. If the problem persists, shoot me a PM so we can try game optimization.

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