Problemi led blackwidow chroma v2 | Razer Insider
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Problemi led blackwidow chroma v2

salto le presentazioni per arrivare subito al punto della situazione è da quando ho comprato la Blackwidow chroma v2 che mi da un problemino (secondario) ma che può essere fastidioso a volte e cioè ogni volta che il mio computer va in stand-by i led della tastiera non si accendono più e nel programma synapse dice The LEDKeeper.exe app is currently controlling your device's lighting non ho idea di come risolvere questo problema se non riavviando l'intero computer ed è abbastanza seccante come cosa specie se ho pagine aperte che mi servono anche perchè coi led spenti non riesco a vedere bene i tasti e quindi non leggo le lettere diciamo che scrivo alla cieca ho provato a riavviare il programma sloggare e ri loggare ma niente o stacco la usb oppure riavvio il pc e sinceramente mi da fastidio dover rovinare una usb per un problema di programma o progettazione della tastiera magari sono anche io che non ho fatto qualcosa o robe simili riguardo a questo vi chiedo gentilmente staff e community se potete darmi un sistema per risolvere questo problema perchè adesso non voglio mai che il pc vada in stand-by grazie della pazienza e buona giornata.
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7 Replies

Userlevel 7
Hi @KenDragonX! Thanks for reaching out to us. I would like to assist you with your Razer Blackwidow Chroma v2 and it would be best if we can continue in English so we can better assist you.
Hi @KenDragonX! Thanks for reaching out to us. I would like to assist you with your Razer Blackwidow Chroma v2 and it would be best if we can continue in English so we can better assist you.

ok thanks i have a problem with the keyboard, when my pc goes stand-by all the led doesn't work, when i turn on the pc after stand-by the led blink all the time and for fix it i need to restart all the pc.

Since it cost 150 euros a bit annoying a problem so silly but annoying enough not to trust me to send the computer on stand-by.

if you can tell me what to do for fix this problem forever I would be very grateful.

thanks for your time.
Userlevel 7
Thanks for sharing it in details. Please check my screenshot below and ensure that the "Switch Off Lighting" option in Razer Synapse is unchecked/not ticked so your keyboard will continuously give light while your display is turned off and on stand-by mode.

ok thank you for your time it worked for the moment but before it returned to stand-by and the keyboard doesn't turn on anymore so the problem persists i don't understand why a couple of times it worked and now no it could be a case or a bug if it still persists I will inform you for the moment if you could find another possible solution or the reason for this I would be very grateful thanks again
Userlevel 7
ok thank you for your time it worked for the moment but before it returned to stand-by and the keyboard doesn't turn on anymore so the problem persists i don't understand why a couple of times it worked and now no it could be a case or a bug if it still persists I will inform you for the moment if you could find another possible solution or the reason for this I would be very grateful thanks again

Thanks for letting me know. Let's investigate more by sending me a PM together with your keyboard's serial number and a video showing your keyboard's concern.
Thanks for letting me know. Let's investigate more by sending me a PM together with your keyboard's serial number and a video showing your keyboard's concern.

ok i'll try to give you a video of this problem when i do i'll send you the info.

thanks again for everything
Userlevel 7
You're welcome! Feel free to update me anytime.