I got my headset yesterday and let it charge overnight for 12 hours. It is still blinking green and that indicates it is not fully charged. In manual it says it takes 3 hours for it to fully charge.
Now.. The headsets wireless audio works fine if you have the charging cable plugged in.
As soon as I unplug the charging cable the headset dies, the LED stops glowing and when I hold the power button, nothing happens. Usually it plays a little sound in your headphone and the LED turns solid blue to indicate wireless connection. This happens when charging cable is plugged in, but when it is unplugged, the headset is completely dead.
Anyone know what could be the problem? I tried reinstalling drivers, synapse, updating headsets firmware, restarting pc and all the tips I could find on the internet.
This is really frustrating to have a wireless headset that only works when it's plugged in