razer id vs facebook | Razer Insider
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sorry for asking a simple question but i am unable to connect my razer id to my facebook ? i've tried to follow the instructions on razer insider but there's nothing on the external accounts to link them , am i being stupid or is the site broke in some way ? even on the facebook page i am unable to link them lol
Did you try this?

Log in here: https://razerid.razer.com/

Click "CONNECTIONS" at the top

Select Facebook

If that didn't work, what do you see on your Connections tab?
Did you try this?

Log in here: https://razerid.razer.com/

Click "CONNECTIONS" at the top

Select Facebook

If that didn't work, what do you see on your Connections tab?

thank you so much lafar i just couldn't see the wood through all the tree's lol ive managed to link them so thanks for your support baal_15