Razer Kiyo made a noise and stopped working mid-use | Razer Insider

Razer Kiyo made a noise and stopped working mid-use

Userlevel 1

I’d been using my Kiyo without issue for a long time. One time I was in a video call and it made a weird grinding noise and then went totally out of focus. I tried unplugging it and plugging it back in, and it reported available to my computer again, but once I selected it the ring light came on at a kind of pulse-y half brightness and then it  disappears from the cameras list. I tried letting it sit unplugged for a week and the problem still persists. Tried multiple computers, ports, etc.


Normally my Razer accessories last forever. Is there anything I can do to get this functioning again?

36 Replies

Mine died too exactly same way just couple of days ago.


Camera started making noise and light was pulsating or something.


After unplugging and plugging, there is no noise but light is still flickering / pulsating and camera is not working.

Add me to the list, it just happened this week. :(

Mine is also making a sort of buzzing/crackling noise whenever it’s plugged in. If unplugged and plugged back in it’ll show as an option but the second anything tries to actually use it, it disappears.

Super disappointing and really strange that we’re all experiencing this at the same time...

Same thing happened to me a week ago.

Webcam just sits on top of my screen, does not get massive amounts of use maybe 4 hours a week.

Went to use it, light flashed on and off on the ring, device manager goes crazy refershing with added and removed hardware. High pitched screeching.

Loads of event logs with the following warning:
‘A connection to the Windows Metadata and Internet Services (WMIS) could not be established.’

I won’t be buying anything Razer again.

I'm a little bit shocked, but I have exactly the same problem. I bought a camera a year ago and everything was ok until today. I just turned on the stream and for the first time ever I turned the ring illumination to maximum. A couple of minutes passed and the camera began to make a crackling noise and the image froze. No matter how many times I tried to reconnect the camera, it only turned on for a couple of seconds and froze again. It looks like some kind of manufacturing defect, because the commentators above have exactly the same probblem... So what should we do?

P.S. By the way, I found out the exact date of purchase, it was exactly a year ago.  Accordingly, the camera broke exactly on the day the warranty expired... I don’t believe in coincidences, but according to previous comments this is very strange

Is there a fix for this issue? Turning the bezel does not turn off the light in my case and the light flickers when I try to open it through the laptop’s camera app or Synapse app and turns off.


Same here. Was in a work call and it started making weird electrical or grinding noises. Plugged into my other Personal PC to update Firmware, no change after updating firmware. 

Same reaction on both computers, regardless of update and restarts. Cannot turn light ring off manually by turning bezel nor in Synapse as it disappears when it turns on and continues with the odd noises and flickering. 


Same here. Was in a work call and it started making weird electrical or grinding noises. Plugged into my other Personal PC to update Firmware, no change after updating firmware. 

Same reaction on both computers, regardless of update and restarts. Cannot turn light ring off manually by turning bezel nor in Synapse as it disappears when it turns on and continues with the odd noises and flickering. 


I’m having the exact same issue. Very frustrating that this happened a few weeks after the warranty expires. 

It is so crazy to think that so many people have had the same issue over the last month. This happened to me last night on a conference call over zoom, the thing started making the whirring/grinding noise and then cut out. I had to unplug it in order to shut it up and haven’t tested it since. Won’t be buying from the brand again, I got it delivered on October 6th, 2021. Clearly a life expectancy of two years for ~$60 ain’t much, could’ve stuck with my bogus fisheye from some unknown brand.

Same thing has happened to me. Middle of a call it started whirring and grinding like the servos inside it were working overtime. This continued even when the PC was switched off. Upon disconnecting and reconnecting I can’t get the device to work. Last Razer product I buy.

My Razer Kiyo did exactly the same thing a few days ago: It started buzzing madly in the middle of a call. then Blanked out. I thought a reboot might help, but nope, Same thing when I plugged it back in. One month after the warranty expired. This seems a bit suspicious, right? Everyone is having the same problem at the same time?  Razer customer support please contact me ASAP (Have they posted anything helpful in this chat?)  - Scott from Montreal

This happened to mine as well. Seems like potentially a firmware issue. 

Wow, i honestly didnt expect to see so many people with the same issue, and seemingly all around the same time. Is it just a coincidence that all our cameras were about the same age? or could it have been some kind of software issue causing them all to malfunction. It would be nice to get some answers, especially when yeah, you expect these things to last longer than 6mo to a year.

Just happened to me today. Bought mine in 2021 I believe. Exact same crackling and flickering of the light. Sure seems this should be a recall issue if we’re all having this same issue at the same time??

The same here. I already updated to the last Firmware version without success. Last Razer product for sure, it looks like planned obsolescence.

Same problem this is ridiculous, I have a less than 20€ webcam from amazon and it still works after 4/5 years, this webcam in less than 2 years breaks and everyone is having the same problem? It’s a bit strange...

Damn I should have found this thread earlier. Mine died within 12hours of purchase.

Literally just happened to me during a video interview. Not exactly an ideal situation.

I'm a little bit shocked, but I have exactly the same problem. I bought a camera a year ago and everything was ok until today. I just turned on the stream and for the first time ever I turned the ring illumination to maximum. A couple of minutes passed and the camera began to make a crackling noise and the image froze. No matter how many times I tried to reconnect the camera, it only turned on for a couple of seconds and froze again. It looks like some kind of manufacturing defect, because the commentators above have exactly the same probblem... So what should we do?

I’ve had mine for 4 months. Stopped mid-way through a call with the same sounds as experienced by others. I’m sure the excellent customer service that told me to buy a replacement part from China on eBay for my headphones will be quick to assist with the same quality service. 😂

I read someone got a replacement since her cam was still in warranty. You should try to do the same. 

Happened to me today! Sheesh. And yes, out of warranty as well. Being my only Razer device (had a few mice but they’re now discarded in favour of the Glorious Core) and after battling with support for months  last year for the low-light issue, this is truly a disappointment and failure of the product. Only good thing is now I can completely clean out the Razer software from my machines. Until they release an explanation for this, I will actively be not recommending anything Razer-made for a while.

Just had the same issue. It seemed to be the light ring and when i finally managed to turn it off ( by physically turning the bezel) the cam is working ( sans light). 



Mine died yesterday, tried it on multiple usb ports and devices, same thing everywhere :/ Still no solution anywhere. Definitely feels programmed as I think it’s 2021/22 series… Shame.

This has just happened to me too in the middle of a work meeting. Really disappointed after spending £55 on a camera - thought I could trust a brand like Razer but I guess not ..

This just happened to me last week. Tried it with multiple computers but I am out of warranty so no luck. I won’t be buying any streaming stuff from Razer again.
