Razer not Giving Refund for Razerbook | Razer Insider
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Hi All,


I am desperate for some advice here, I have no idea what to do right now. FYI I am UK based.


I ordered a Razerbook 13 through LaptopsDirect in the UK last September (2023). Received the laptop fine, everything was perfect. Skipping to June (2024), I noticed a small defect with the laptop (the hinge seemed to be peeling off). I thought no issue, this is an easy repair under warranty. Contacted LaptopDirect, they told me to contact Razer directly.

Now begins the saga, I contacted Razer a the start of June, and they told me to send the laptop back. They gave me a shipping label, which after taking to the post office I found out didn’t work. They have me another label, took it to the post office and that didn’t work. This isn’t even bad compared to the rest of the story. They eventually offered to get FedEx to pick the laptop from my house, and this thankfully worked ok.

So the laptop gets received by Razer on the 3rd August and they confirm this via email. After a couple of days they come back to me and say that they can’t repair it, which I thought was strange as it was such a minor defect. Even stranger, they said they cannot replace it as well, they could only offer a refund! This was a lose lose situation for me as I had got a very good deal on the laptop, so if I took the refund I would not be able to buy anything as nice as the laptop I originally bought. I tried to explain this to Razer but they were extremely unsympathetic. I had no choice but to accept the refund. After accepting the refund, they sent me a form to fill out for bank details for a refund. The website was so bad that I wanted to scream, and whatever I tried the form would just not successfully send. It just kept giving a weird error. At this point I was so fed up. I emailed razer back to explain to them what happened, and they emailed back saying they would look into it and get back to me within two working days. This was on the 18th August and this is the last I have heard from Razer. As of writing this, it is the 6th september. I am so stressed as I need a laptop desperately but Razer have basically stolen my laptop and my money. Can someone please advise me what to do?


Thanks in Advance

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